Apr 7, 2014

Hey, Obama , If It Ain't Broke ... Don't Fix It

Common Sense Commentary: If there are any Liberals in heaven, they will be organizing unions and demanding an increase in benefits and free stuff.

One thing is sure, and will be confessed by every honest person. Absolutely nothing is perfect except God. Every other thing on earth, and every person, is faulty and imperfect and, except for Jesus, will never reach perfection.

One of the primary genetic defects of all Liberals is, they just cannot leave well enough alone. It's in their DNA. Even if a thing is as near perfect as it is humanly possible for it to be, they just can't resist fixing it, to make it better, and invariably get it off track, out of focus or totally dysfunctional. Now they have accomplished the latter with our schools, churches, courts, prisons, unions, Social Security, Medicare, the U.S. Postal Service, all areas of government and are feverishly working on our military. If its a $1000 grandfather clock that is a hundredth of a second off each month, they can't "Leave it be" (Laissez Fare), but are obsessed with fixing it until it is nine hundred sixty three and a half seconds off every day, and can no longer be relied upon for time or anything else. They have "accomplished" these "progressive" improvements with everything they touch. If it is a divine cake recipe from heaven, Liberals hunger to make it better and succeed in making it taste like h___ ....uhh... like horrible. If its home churned ice cream, they put the sugar over the ice and the rock salt in the  cream.

So now the master Liberal chieftain of all time, is dead set and determined to fix the best health care system on the entire planet, name it after himself, and hocus pocus, he has set in motion the total ruin of the world's best, and destined it to resemble a witch doctor's hut in the mucky, infected swamps of Kenya. The high priest witch doctor pops out of his grass hut, to the rattle of chicken bones, walking straight faced and tall, chanting, jumping and selling snake eggs and bat guano to other illiterate Liberals savages to feed the sick and cure all their ills.  Snake eggs are bad enough but this guano is killing us.

There is hope for drug addicts, thieves, pimps and prostitutes, but a Liberal is born to destroy nations by fixing what ain't broke, and leaving it like the crash site of a 747.

 And for all of you with hearing aids, tri-focals, canes, walkers, face lifts, implants etc. there is this....

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