Apr 8, 2014

I Hate Unjust Wars And Love Battle Fought For Freedom And Peace

Common Sense Commentary: "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision." Joel 3:14. 

When our day of destiny arrives ... will we fight or will we not? We will soon see.

Battle, where hundreds of simultaneous explosions blow arms and legs asunder and thousands of bullets criss-cross the battlefield, burning holes through the air and human flesh, is not a cold, lifeless news report, a play acting movie, or an adventurist imagination. Battle, bullets, bayonets and mass, violent death is understood only by the fighting man who was there in the midst of it, dirty, exhausted, vicious and ultra focused, not ever by a home-bound reporter, actors or "would-be" pretenders. In hot, blinding battle, the participants forget patriotism, country and justice, and fight to the death for their buddies around them. Battle, true battle, can best be described as the ultimate earthly example of hell that men are capable of creating or enduring. As horribly unbearable as battle is, it is sometimes the only thing that can buy back peace and freedom. There is one thing, on earth, worse than bloody, fearsome battle and that is the bloodless tyranny of evil unresisted, by battle, which therefore conquers both body and soul of a nation. We, Americans, are standing in the valley of decision, as were they who stepped across the Alamo Line and volunteered their lives to secure freedom and peace for Texas. They all died there .... but Texas became a free Republic and look what God hath wrought...since then.  I love Texas. I love its history. I love its heroes. I love those men who died at the Alamo and in all the other just wars which were fought for freedom and peace, and against the "powers of darkness" and "evil in high places", in this world. RB

1 comment:

  1. Amen Dad. We may soon get a chance to "walk the walk"....talking will be done. "Remember America!" may be the next battle cry.


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