Apr 9, 2014

I Love Texas

Common Sense Commentary: I love Texas, not just because I was born in West Texas when 90% of men wore boots, a big hat, were bow-legged and had skin to match their boots, but because it is the best state out of the fifty stars on Old Glory. Oklahoma runs a close second. I love Texas because it has everything except Detroit type cities, which are broke, broken, bankrupt and still spending. Texas has a balanced budget, no state taxes and could very well do even better totally independent of the other 49. Most illegal aliens don't stop long in Texas but head for the large cities and towns up north. Texas has everything it needs to carry on as a separate country. On the South, we have our own coastline, the upper half with sea ports, the lower half lined with islands as beautiful as anything in Florida or California.  On the East we have forests and farmlands. To the West we have a desert of wind generators, ranches and mountains higher than any East of the Rockies, the Guadalupe Peak is 8,745 feet high. In the Texas Northwest, there are the high plains with endless, sweeping fields if wheat. Texas has oil and gas fields nearly anywhere we might drill a well. Our rivers drain all across the state from north to south, filling our lakes and on into the Gulf of Mexico, and there is an underground sea of water under the panhandle of Texas ready to run down hill to our cities. We have our own Grand Canyon where the Pecos river joins the Rio Grand. Texas has the glorious Chisos Mountains with unbelievable vistas overlooking a hundred miles of the Big Bend National Park, the Santiago, Chalk and Christmas Mountains,  as well as spectacular views of the unbelievable canyons of the Rio Grand River. We have such isolated lodges as Indian Lodge, in the Davis Mountains, where vivid rainbows live in pairs and the spirit memories of ancient Indians stir the moaning winds. The food there is superb; the atmosphere exhilarating and relaxing at the same time.  San Antonio has the most pleasant, romantic, River Walk in the nation ... maybe the world, as well a dozen ancient missions, the Alamo and a hundred other marvels residing there. We even have the huge Cado swamp in our Northeastern corner, which is more beautiful, in it's interior, than the Everglades. Besides all that, Texas is 773 miles wide and 790 miles long and has "Nation" sized content of farm lands, sea-ports, commerce, manufacturing, Hi-tech, world class universities, and a high percentage of  the finest people you will ever meet.  I have run out of words to tell you of all the wonders of the Lone Star State. It is still the land of the free and the home of the brave. Those patriots who were not born in Texas are getting here as fast as they can and have bumper-stickers on their cars saying so. Yes I love Texas and was born bow-legged with a Texas drawl.  Since there is no better state of affairs on earth, I'll just stay right here til my turn comes to go to the only better place in the universe.  Statistically, there will probably be more Texans there than from any other state. I hope to see you there.... even if you are not a Texian, cause being a Christian is even better.  There will be no Muslims, terrorists or cannibals there and few Socialists. Judas was a socialist. RB

1 comment:

  1. Wow....
    Great visualization of a great state. I feel like I just had a small taste of heaven. Which of course will be 10,000 times even better.


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