May 4, 2014

That Heavenly Reunion .... In The Temple Section

Common Sense Commentary: Let me dream a little ...

 "For a dream cometh (true) through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words." Ecc.5:3.

In God's all knowing plan for our life's journey, though unseen and unknown in our own hearts, is far more glorious than we are able to conceive. We who have turned aside from the "broad way", and entered that high, though narrow way that leads to life ... in His heaven. Of all the wonderful Christian highways, on this earth, which we have traveled, with our old friends, in Tallahassee, the one I see ahead is far too marvelous to describe. My eighty three years are full of shared, precious memories of our Lord's immeasurable love and grace, but the ascending road ahead surpasses them all. I can see thousands of saints in righteous, white robes ... all gathered around our LORD .... in the "Temple Section". There, finally, in His glorious light forever, celebrating His holiness, love and grace in that Heavenly, Family Reunion. I see Jesus, next to our Father, and over there, Joe, Temple's first baptized member with his dear Fredda ... and next to them, Fred and Eloise, who joined us about that time, in 1963s. And all around are the thousands who followed the seed we sowed, as His Church ... all the way to glory ... into the presence of our Creator and Savor. Yes, there is our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit at the center of Heavenly, Universal and Eternal activity and worship. He is our Father, the founder and head of our Holy Family.

"Well", you say, "I read of no 'Temple Section' in God's word."  Oh, I know, it isn't there ... we just all happened to be standing together, shaking hands and giving God the glory ... in my thoughts.

"Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake." Psm.115:1  ...... Your Old, long ago Pastor ... RB

1 comment:

  1. One of the neat things about "Legacy". It lives forever, here and then in Glory.


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