May 3, 2014

The Tie That Binds Us Is Becoming A Scaffold's Noose

Common Sense Commentary:

Our country has slowly increased and tightened the rules, laws and restrictions of men, and loosened those of God. In contrast to the freedoms of our fathers guaranteed by God's word and the U.S. Constitution, we are now herded like cattle, funneled like sand and warned like criminals ... with severe consequences, if we do not bow to the secular powers that be. Individual initiative is restricted and intimidated to "stay in line", not with God's word and will or even our Constitution, but with "Acceptable Standards, Public Policy, Federal Regulations and Executive Orders". Our entire population of citizens are in a narrow channel on a narrow track ... all headed to the same ignominious dead end. Co-operation, Obedience and Conformity are demanded by the "Powers Of Darkness". The Majority Party decides abortion (killing babies) is a "right" and capital punishment is a wrong, and we all have to agree, even though God's Bible condemns taking innocent life in Gen.9:5-6, and demands Capital Punishment, for murder, in Exodus 21:12. Those in Power decide homosexual marriage is equal to a Biblical union and it becomes a crime to voice disagreement ... or even to quote, in public, chapter one of Romans in the Bible. Illegal drug abuse, called "sorcery" in Rev.9:21, Rev.18:23, Rev.21:8 (Greek word for sorcery is pharmakia) becomes legal and you are a self-righteous, fanatical, religious hypocrite if you are opposed to majority opinion.

Even the lawless, frontier days of the old West had more individual liberty and justice than we have today. Immediate justice was forthcoming when I was a boy in the 1930's and 1940's. But most of younger Americans, living today, think our country has always been as it is now ... and don't seem to know the difference. There is a thing called "Normalcy Bias" which means people are inclined to think everything has always been or always shall be as it has always been ... in their lifetime.  Taint so. It has been better in America and it will get worse. Our job as Christians is " Having done all to stand ... stand therefore."    Eph.6:13-14.  Be consistent,  constant,  maintain integrity, be an anchor of stability, a pillar of truth, a voice in the wilderness ... no matter which way the wind blows ... or how contrary moral and spiritual standards become. You be faithful to God's will and His word ... at all costs. Be that small but bright light in the darkness ... for Jesus. Any other stance will be regretted .....  but not this one. RB

1 comment:

  1. Lord, give me the strength to stand, with love for my fellow man, and point to you as
    our only redeemer.


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