Jun 26, 2014

"Natural Selection" Is A Misnomer, Not A Scientific Term

Common Sense Commentary:  "Natural Selection" is a misnomer and unscientific as well. It is a misnomer because, though the word "natural" may be "imagined" to be unwitting, the word "selection" cannot.  "Selection" requires the knowledge of conscious, intelligent choice. Also, where did the "nature" of "natural" come from if it were not created? Evolution is a dead-end race track.

The word "science" is derived from the Latin word "scientia" and literally means "To Know". All honest evolutionists are forced, since they cannot prove their "theory", to admit that they do not scientifically KNOW that evolution it absolutely true. They are therefore holding an empty bag.

When intelligent genius pursues the miraculous beauty of creation's reality, and asks, "How did this come to be", there are only two choices ... A Creator or Evolution, Intelligent Design or Witt-less Accident, Conscious Action or Unconscious Happenstance. The supposedly "scientific" evolutionist, though perhaps highly intelligent in some ways, explains the miracle of creation in indefinite, uncertain and unscientific terms ... Genetic drift, fortuitous luck, causeless cause, unintentional development, unpremeditated incident, design-less design and unconscious fluke.  RB 

"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called...." 1 Tim.6:20. 

After 8 years and 18 expeditions to New Guinea and Australia, Cornell Lab scientist Ed Scholes and National Geographic photojournalist Tim Laman succeeded in capturing images of all 39 species in the bird-of-paradise family for the first time ever.  

Listen for the question of Scientist Ed Scholes, "How did this come to be".

Click on this link to see one of the truly miraculous, stunningly beautiful creations of our God. RB


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