Jun 27, 2014

With Regret, America Should Apologize To Our Defenders For Our Callousness

Common Sense Commentary: Our Government, the news media and half of America has their priorities all out of the proper order. Rethink your priorities and put our young national heros, who defend our liberties, somewhere near the top of the list and Hollywood, drug pushers and perverts at the bottom where they belong. May God restore the integrity of America and her people. RB

With Regret

The Public and Media idolized and memorialized Whitney Houston, yet looked the other way concerning her well-known substance abuse and tumultuous life with singer Bobby Brown.

Charlie Sheen is 45 and his story is all over the news because he is a substance abuser, an adulterer, sexually promiscuous and obnoxious.

Lindsay Lohan is 24 and her story is all over the news because she is a celebrity drug addict and thief.

The same can be said about drug addict Philip Seymour Hoffman who died with a needle stuck in his arm.

Something as frivolous as Kim Kardashian's stupid wedding (and
short-lived marriage) was shoved down our throats, while for the following Men........

Justin Allen 23
Brett Linley 29
Matthew Weikert 29
Justus Bartett 27
Dave Santos 21
Jesse Reed 26
Matthew Johnson 21
Zachary Fisher 24
Brandon King 23
Christopher Goeke 23
and Sheldon Tate 27...

...are all Marines who gave their lives last month for you. There is
no media for them; not even a mention of their names.

They were young men who most likely came from rural America seeking a chance to better themselves and to serve this country.

Honor THEM 

Sorry that the pictures would not hold . RB

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