Jul 17, 2014

How Are Aborted Babies Disposed Of ? (We Really Must Face Up To This)

Common Sense Commentary: Most people know what is happening but close their eyes and ears to this legal slaughter of babies because they know it is wrong but they do nothing about it. These babies are not slaughtered in the womb (though some are poisoned there) but are alive when forcibly "born" as they are ripped out of their mother's womb. Many, or most, are cremated (burned in fire) and their ashes disposed of in garbage dumps. Some are simply bagged and sent directly to the garbage dump where they are often burned with the rest of the trash or buried in garbage. If you are guilty of this, do not ever criticize anyone else for any sin or excess they may be guilty of, but seek forgiveness and peace for yourself from God. He forgives even abomination. RB

"Moreover he burnt incense in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and burnt his children in the fire, after the abominations of the heathen whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel." 2 Chronicles 28:3. 

I have removed expletives from this behind the scenes email discussion of student pathologists concerning the disposal of aborted babies.

What Happens to Unborn Babies After Abortion? 

Pathologists Share the Horrors by Jonathon Van Maren |
Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 10/23/13 5:30 PM

WARNING: This article contains very graphic descriptions and accounts of the treatment of the bodies of babies after abortion. The author retained the original spelling and grammar of the posts for accuracy, so all mistakes belong to the original posters.

One of the most convenient things about abortion is that it takes care of the perceived “problem” in a permanent way—people walk into the abortion clinic with a child growing inside them, and leave after the child’s forcible eviction. The pro-life movement tries to prevent people from entering the abortion clinic in the first place, and urges people to seek healing if they decide to go through with the abortion after all.

So what happens to the babies after they are killed?

Some, we know, are cremated. Others are tossed in the trash, and discovered by pro-lifers like Dr. Monica Miller, who dutifully record their fate and give them the funeral and respect their humanity demands. But what about the other babies—the ones shipped off in containers and sealed buckets to pathology labs? When searching for the answer to that question, I found a series of horrifying testimonies on a Student Doctor Network Forum hosted by St. George’s University. On the discussion board, those who worked with the bodies of aborted babies shared their horror at what they saw.

“Anyone get tripped on these?” one wrote (spelling and grammar errors his), “I’m talking especially the big ones, where you can actually make out facial expressions like they knew they were being hacked the hell up (im serious). I almost went bonkers once over one, that is some scary crap. Am I the only pathologist who freaks when a 0.5 cm eye ball comes rolling out of bag and stares right at you…I know we are thinking this, just no one in pathology is talking about it.”

Another pathologist, identifying himself as “Andy Milonakis,” responded by saying, “Totally trippy man. We get a fair number of fragmented fetuses from abortion procedures and they come in a container with formalin. The fact that they’re all hacked up is disturbing to begin with. Of course, there is the whole eyeball issue which freaks me out as well. Echoing in my mind is the sound effects from the movie Psycho…Reee Reee Reee Reee Reee Reee Reee!”

The original poster continued, describing an absolutely nightmarish scene:

“One incident really freaked me, it was a boy fetus, at least 3+ pounds, around 24+ weeks. It sat decomposing because the rest of the staff was AFRAID of it, Im not joking. Then the chief of staff told me to deal with it because I was the _______ new guy so I went to work. Pulled out 2 well formed arms and then the torso, headless. The head was at the bottom of the container, when I pulled it, he had this expression of such utter horror it flipped me wayyyy out, my PA saw it and ran, literally left work and went on disability (Im serious here). It was like a headless screaming baby, like it had been born at least for a split second to realize it was _______ and let out one agonal yelp. The story of this reverberated around the department, someone actually accused me of doing what should have been a ME case and threatened to call the medical board! Im not joking, I woke up once shortly after that in a cold sweat with ___ running down my leg….not pretty.”

It is the eyes, it seems, that disturbs those dealing with the corpses of butchered pre-born children the most.

To those of you who have had an abortion, let me remind you that the sincere prayer of repentance is always heard by God ... and forgiveness given through faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Do not try to go through life carrying this burden of guilt ... It will ruin your health and put you in an early grave. Jesus died for all of our sins and stands ready to save and cleanse us from the very worst of sins.... if we will only believe and accept His forgiveness. Pray now. RB

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