Jul 18, 2014

South Dakota Republican Party Calls For Impeachment Of Obama

Common Sense Commentary: I would hope the majority of Americans, and especially the US Congress, will follow up this heroic act for justice and integrity by South Dakota Conservatives. It is worthy of mention that nearly half of the South Dakota Republican Party were against this action. In my judgement that fact also reflects the same percentage of cowardly weakness on a national level, within the Republican Party, as well. The national Republican Party and seemingly Republican Congress members too, are only about ten inches or half a pound better than all the Democrats.

It is unbelievable that most American citizens have not seen the Presidents continuous abuse of power and clear partiality toward both Islam and Communism. He has ruled by by-passing Congress and legislating his personal will by his continuous issuance of Executive Orders. He has lied more than any previous President and possibly any Congressman in our history. Why there has not already been a ground-swell demand for his impeachment is beyond all reason. Thank God for these South Dakota Patriots... RB

Republicans in this State Just Took 
Steps To Impeach Obama!

From the Argus Leader

The South Dakota Republican Party state convention passed a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama Saturday.

The resolution says Obama has “violated his oath of office in numerous ways.” It specifically cites the release of five Taliban combatants in a trade for captive U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl, Obama’s statement that people could keep insurance companies, and recent EPA regulations on power plants. “Therefore, be it resolved that the South Dakota Republican Party calls on our U.S. Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States,” the resolution reads.

Allen Unruh of Sioux Falls sponsored the resolution.
“I’ve got a thick book on impeachable offenses of the president,” Unruh said, calling on South Dakota to “send a symbolic message that liberty shall be the law of the land.”

Delegate David Wheeler of Beadle County disagreed.
“I believe we should not use the power of impeachment for political purposes,” Wheeler said. “By doing this, we would look petty, like we can’t achieve our political goals through the political process.” Larry Eliason of Potter County agreed, noting that he opposed the impeachment resolution even though “the only thing (Obama’s) done the last six years that I approve of is when he adopted a pet.”

But Larry Klipp of Butte County, a retired Marine, said matters go beyond mere political disagreements with Obama. “If anyone in this room cannot see the horrendous, traitorous scandals run by the Obama administration, I will pray for you,” Klipp said. “If anyone in this room cannot see the horrendous, traitorous scandals run by the Obama administration, I will pray for you,” Klipp said.

The case for Obama’s impeachment: The Constitution’s remedy for a lawless, imperial president
By Sarah Palin
The next time you hear politicians denounce Barack Obama as a lawless, imperial president with a scandal-riddled administration, ask them what they’re going to do about it. Their gnashing of teeth over Obama’s self-granted omnipotence is repetitive.
Let’s agree with our ninth president, William Henry Harrison, who said there is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive than the exercise of unlimited power. We understand the problem. The only way for politicians to fix it is with a little less talk and a lot more action.
The Constitution provides the remedy for a president who commits “high crimes and misdemeanors.” It’s impeachment.
The only thing necessary to transform America into something unrecognizable is for good men to do nothing!

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