Jul 19, 2014

What Is The Problem In The Middle East About Israel?

Common Sense Commentary: For anyone in the world, who knows the history of the Jews, who knows the facts about the continual conflict on all the borders of Israel, cannot honestly blame Israel for defending themselves against the Muslims who surround them. There is a world of difference in attacking someone and in being attacked. Self defence of one's self against an attacker is a given in the laws of every nation on earth. Israel would have been overrun a dozen times since 1948, and a second Holocaust effected if they had not resisted the hoards of Muslim fanatics who are constantly attacking them and using terroristic killings against them for nearly sixty years. How they have succeeded, thus far, in not only surviving but thriving as a nation, is a mystery to the world. It is not a mystery to them or to Christians who study Bible prophecy. God revealed the mystery in His word. He has determined their fate. He will continue to protect them and anyone who is in opposition to God's will and purpose for the Jews is very, very very unwise and has set themselves against God. RB

Here is the best video summary of the conflict I have every seen:

It is by Dennis Prager
Click here: The Middle East Problem - YouTube

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