Feb 8, 2016

OK, I Was Wrong On Nearly Everything About The Super Bowl

Common Sense Commentary: I was wrong on my expectations and judgements about many of the elements composing the Super Bowl, yesterday. I predicted the Panthers would win it because of what I saw in their young Quarterback, Cam Newton, in their 15 to 49 playoff win over the Cardinals, two weeks ago. I also misjudged Lady GaGa when she stepped up to start the game, singing our National Anthem. I've heard so many bad renditions of it at pro-football games that I expected the worst version yet, from her. She actually did it fantastically.
I was also wrong about Cam Newton's Maturity and self control. At one point he was so distraught he was rolling around on the ground whining, while his coach was a tower of immovable strength. I even misjudged the half-time "show". In my naivete I expected a magnificent production worthy of the occasion. Millions of viewers, around the world, were anticipating another American high tech, extravaganza of patriotism or unbelievable, classic performance... a sample of American ingenuity and talent befitting the Super Bowl. What we got was neither "Super" nor appropriate for a nation already in desperate trouble with God. It was nothing more than a multi-million dollar, Skid Row Burlesque, male hands on crotch and pantie clad females in an ostentatious high tech spectacle ..Spectacular is not the word. And those hundreds of black clad teens, surrounding the stage, with hands in the air as if worshiping at the altar of bad music. I am afraid it was a typical sample of the debased level to which entertainment, in America, has descended ... with an attitude of "In your face God".  Think for a moment. If Our Divine Creator, the Holy God of purity, and our crucified Savior had been there, and they were, would they have enjoyed that show ? Honestly?  If you think so, your "god" is as far off target as "Allah". I was also wrong about Payton Manning. I expected the young Panther's Quarterback to outperform Payton, who will be 40 next month, but Payton's football genius, in harmony with Denver's defense, steamrolled the Panthers. Finally, I was as disappointed at Payton's last words, after the game, as I was pleased at Lady Ga Ga's first words before it ... "Oh say can you see by the dawn's early light". Payton's last words were, "drink a lot of Budweiser tonight".  Come on, Payton, if you are going to "drink a lot of beer", don't advertise it to millions of children who want to be a just like Payton Manning. Keep it to yourself, at home. Budweiser assures us you were not paid to say that. If you were ... why? You are a multi-millionaire. You don't need the money.

Yes, yes, I know. I am out of step in this marching parade over the edge into the abyss of rebellion. But, before the game,  I had just returned from doing a funeral for a good friend over at the VA, in Dallas, and my thoughts were on eternal things, the shortness of life, the human finality of death, our need for God's grace, mercy, forgiveness and cleansing from our carnal fleshly ways. Then, at Super Bowl time, I clicked on the TV. The Bronkos were phenomenal. RB


  1. An old English proverb:
    "To err is human, to forgive divine."

  2. An old English proverb:
    "To err is human, to forgive divine."


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