Feb 7, 2016

So, People From The Inside Of Ben Carson's Staff Defend Cruz

Common Sense Commentary: File this in your brain. In Politics, nothing is ever exactly what it appears to be on the surface. The same is true of the News Media. Power hungry people are mostly narcissists, with an agenda, who have no conscience about profusely exaggerating, insinuating, lying, and destroying those they consider their enemies. Those enemies may actually be Patriots who simply want to save the country they love. It is your responsibility to inform yourself thoroughly on candidates you are trying to get into positions of power.

This from The Reagan Report News
Ben Carson Staffers Defend Ted Cruz!
Republican presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson's former top campaign aides think Carson's campaign botched the handling of his post-Iowa caucus trip home to Florida, the fallout of which has pervaded throughout the week.
Before the caucuses began, Carson's campaign hastily said that the candidate was heading home "to get fresh clothes," amid speculation that he might be pulling the plug on his campaign.
Barry Bennett, Carson's former campaign manager, and Doug Watts, his former communications director, told Business Insider that the candidate was asking for such speculation by making the announcement in the middle of the caucus fury.
Bennett, who now serves as a volunteer adviser to real-estate mogul Donald Trump, said:
"Eighteen days on the road is a long time. He's been going at this pace now for about a year, so I understand his wanting to get home and sleep in his own bed for a night. But, last I checked, there were dry cleaners in Iowa, so he could probably get fresh clothes."
He said he would've advised Carson to stop in New Hampshire first before heading back to Florida, to avoid any appearance that he was ending his campaign. Watts shared a similar sentiment.
Watts said he would've "vigorously" counseled against going anywhere but New Hampshire or South Carolina. He added that, if he had lost that debate, he would've been strong in telling staffers to "keep their mouths shut" about where Carson was going and when.
He told Business Insider:
"I think it was a mistake to make the decision to go to Florida — even if it was to pick up a toothbrush. And I think it was a mistake to talk about it publicly. And I think it was a mistake to write a press release refuting the rumors and the tweets. So I think all around it was not wise of them to speak about it the way they did."

Watts and Bennett abruptly resigned from the Carson campaign on New Year's Eve.
The campaign of US Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) sent a CNN news report to its precinct captains, which encouraged them to pass along the information that Carson was "taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week." The message also urged the precinct captains to tell caucus goers to vote for Cruz instead.
But Watts said that what Cruz did was fair game, based on what was out in the public at the time.
If Cruz had made up everything about the claim, then that would have been a "dirty trick," as Carson's campaign has termed the incident.
"I think the Carson campaign handed Cruz a loaded pistol, and I think Cruz made effective use of it," he said. "I take issue with the people who say it was dirty politics and dirty tricks."

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