Jul 26, 2017

Can It Be True That A Famous, Radical, Harvard Law Professor Defends Trump?

Yet ... Always Supports Only Liberal Democrats ...

It is strange indeed when two radical, leftist Lawyers, one of whom defended O.J. Simpson, speak out with such fervent passion against their Liberal comrades in the News Media and Democrat Party, for their unjustified, frivolous attacks on President Trump. But here it is .... RB

This from "Constitution, Defending The Union"

Liberal Legal Scholars Warn Dems to Stop Overreacting on the Trump-Russia Story, It’s “Dangerous”

Liberal legal scholars Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz were very well regarded and respected legal minds on the left before President Trump’s election. I’m not sure their reputations are going to survive the Trump era.
While the two men are most certainly dyed-in-the-wool liberals, they are also intellectually honest and responsible men. They will not attack conservatives simply for being conservative, and they will not twist the law to say something it does not say simply for political purposes. They care deeply about the Constitution and our laws, and so they genuinely try to decipher the law accurately whenever they are called to do so.
Sadly, for them, this bent towards honesty has put them on the opposite side of the hyperventilating liberal media and their leftist allies for the last few months. While Democrats, and the media, have been escalating their attacks on Trump for perceived Russian ties, the two legal scholars have been begging the Left to tone down the extremist rhetoric. But to no avail, Turley and Dershowitz have been roundly ignored, and recently Dershowitz has even seemingly been blacklisted from his normal slate of TV, radio, and print interviews.
“I said that I thought the readers of the New York Times were entitled to hear or read the other side of the issue whether there were crimes committed,” said Dershowitz, a professor emeritus of Harvard Law School. “And I really do think The New York Times does not want its readers to hear an alternative point of view on the issue of whether or not Trump administration is committing crimes.”
Dershowitz said he attempted to reach the opinion page editor and deputy editor without success. He said he wants to “get out in the liberal media” but that his opinion is “not the narrative they’re pushing.”
The hate that they’re getting from the Left isn’t stopping the two men from speaking out though, and both were back on TV over the last few days to explain why the liberal narrative on Trump’s possible “crimes” is nothing but Hot Air.
Professor Turley joined Fox News’ Martha MacCallum to tell the Left to stop hyperventilating about the Trump’s supposed misdeeds, and to argue that the Left’s cries of “treason” is bizarre and dangerous.
“It does reflect a level of hyperventilation we have in Washington now. The story broke and all of a sudden there are questions of more ‘undisclosed meetings’ These were two leaders at the G-20 meeting, with other world leaders. The fact that they had these meetings –public or not– is not surprising and it’s certainly not evidence of any crime. The problem is people are now looking through this glass darkly. Whenever they see any type of new meeting, they see evidence of collusion. They see what they want to see. Prosecution requires something more. First of all, define a crime. Collusion is not a crime… People are so eager to say “well now we have a crime here” they fail to actually define it. People don’t want to be in a world where a meeting like that could be treason… Do you want to live in a country where treason can be defined like that?

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