Jul 21, 2017

Will Trump Survive As President For 42 More Months on 42% Support?

Not Without Prayer And Pliers

So... six months into the Trump administration, will he survive 42 more long months of Democrat autopsies on his living body? Could anyone survive that? He might, if he had not made so many enemies within his own Party, early on. It is true he still has a solid 42% approval rate, nationally. But, though the other 58% may not all be against him, they are not "for" him. They are pretty much solidly against him. And that includes a large segment of wounded Republicans who supported his opposition candidates in those primary debates. He ruthlessly shot down most of those other Republican candidates, their friends, supporters and some innocent by-standers. Now, their battle wounds have scarred over, but they still carry a limp in their support of his Presidency. President Trump won the battle for the nomination but left an inordinate  number of casualties on the battle field, and neglected sufficient rescue efforts, after the fact, when only he had that power.

Trump still appears to stand for the Conservative principles he campaigned for, but has only moderated, slightly, his anger at opposition and accusation from both the right and left. If he can't at least fake a little more Presidential prestige in his unavoidable dealings with disagreement, that 42%, though solid, will not increase ... and may even diminish. A full plate of courage and determined commitment will not satisfy a starving public without a generous flourishing of humility and a large glass of wisdom to wash it all down.

What our President needs now is not more experts, better advisers or the good will of that 42%. What he needs now is not just great courage and what makes billionaires, which he already has, but what makes a great man and a good President .... courage plus wisdom, honesty, humility and love of the truth as God knows it. And only God can provide that.... and will, if asked.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." James 1:5.

Wisdom is not all God gives; He gives courage, humility and truth to all who desire it more than their fears, pride, greed and fantasy. Your prayers will help him be that great man and good President. But without our prayers Trump will not make the next 42 months

If you think I am being disloyal to our President, I see myself more as his friend who happens to see his problems and has sympathy for him and a set of pliers. My son Robert Paul (Bob), related an experience with man's best friend, a great guard-dog. He was not a perfect dog, but there are no perfect dogs or people. One morning, when he lived on a remote farm in Montana, Bob's loudly barking and overly exuberant dog, a good hunter and enemy of all skunks, snakes, rodents, thieves and other varmints, showed up one morning with his face, lips, nose and gums full of porcupine quills. He had obviously come out second in a battle with a porcupine. The best of dogs often come home from the wars with snake-bite, smelling like a skunk or with wounds they cannot survive without help. Bob, like a good friend to man's best friend, got out his pliers and pulled out every one of those hooked barbs. Very painful. Lesson one! The same dog did the same thing again, but with fewer quills, lesson two, and a third time with only three or four quills, lesson three. But that was the last time he made that mistake. Bob was not the enemy of his inexperienced, imperfect friend. It took great pain to a good guard-dog to save him from himself.

And don't forget, the final race was not between Trump and Billy Graham, but between an inexperienced guard-dog, a well trained skunk and an adept snake.

Application: Pray for President Trump, but do not pretend he is perfect, nobody is. He lacks political experience with political porcupines, political skunks and political snakes. And don't leave your pliers in the holster or the anesthetic in the medicine cabinet when your friend needs help. Tell him the truth, not what he wants to hear.

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