Jul 28, 2017

Mr. President, You Will Lose Evangelical Support By Elevating Vile Idiots

Consult Your Vise-President Not Old Buddies

Last year I wrote that....  considering the unrestrained flood of curse words heard in public, on TV and in news print, these days, that it would be a relief to hear "heck" and "gee whiz" again. But, today, a year later, with the rising tide of sewage and toilet talk, it would be a relief to hear "damn and hell" (unrelated to Biblical usage), again.

This week, Donald Trump made one of his most serious mistakes by appointing a loose cannon, nasty talking, expert cusser as his "Communications Director", who says he "has Trump's blessing" to say what he wishes. "Having Trump's blessing" is a strange formulation of words to justify dirty language. Whatever other talents, Anthony Scaramucci may have, "Communications" is not one of them. His vocabulary is so limited he can hardly make a sentence without vulgarity. Right off the bat, this Saramucci guy publicly accused Steve Bannon, a hyper Conservative and patriot,  of "sucking his own ____". Then he spewed out his opinion of White House Chief Of Staff, Reince Priebus, as "a f______  paranoid schizophrenic". A paranoid schizophrenic he may be, but to include the "f" word in the mix says a lot more about accuser than the accused. I don't care for Priebus either, but what benefit is it to resort to filthy language, especially as a government official representing the President.  Such language in private is bad enough, but to openly vomit it up "in your face", in public, reveals more about Scaramucci than it does about Priebus, how ever disloyal he may be to Trump. Simply fire him.

Being what is commonly called an "Evangelical" Pastor, I know Evangelicals quite well. and I can tell you with certainty that President Trump is going to rapidly lose their support with a foul mouthed Communications Directer speaking for him. It may have worked for him in dealing with sharks, con-men and business elites and in "The Art Of The Deal" he brags about, but it will backfire in his face with Evangelicals. Trump should consult his Vise President, Pence, on moral and Christian issues and reign in the use of vulgarity by this Mafia mouthed Italian, Scaramucci. 

If you think my criticism is disloyal to Trump, I will remind you that our choices came down to him or Hilary, and I voted for him to avoid a proven corrupt and evil person who would have turned our county into a Socialistic dictatorship. But by doing so, I did not sell my soul to Trump. He is my President not my master. Compared to Hilary or Obama he is at least a patriot and defender of the Constitution. That is not to say I like his "New York City values". I Don't.

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