Jul 31, 2017

Women, Men, And Transgenders In Same Barracks, Showers Or Extreme, Constant Combat

Is Not Common Sense

In all the single country battle zone wars since WW2, only about 10% of our military were ever actually in a single or continuing combat fire-fights. Another 10% may have been close enough, to actual battle, to be under mortar or rocket danger. The other 80%, were in support of those in combat in a supply line all the way back to the U.S. or in training or some other military function. Women or transgender persons could reasonably serve in supporting positions in the military, but, in my opinion, not in actual front line, constant combat for long periods of time. If you have never been in real, sustained combat, your opinion means nothing in the debate. You have no idea of what combat is like. My experience was in North and South Korea as a 19 year old Marine in almost constant combat for nearly a year. I have 4 major battle stars and was involved in innumerable smaller battles.  Many women could have endured and participated in single battles. Fewer could have endured for a year of constant battle. But the Battle Of Chosin Reservoir, in the frozen mountains of North Korea, in minus 30 degree ... below zero cold, suffering from frostbite, hunger, thirst and exhaustion with maybe two hours sleep each night, frozen water, frozen food, diarrhea under 4 inches of unchangeable  cold weather clothing, and under day and night attack by thousands of Chinese soldiers, for days on end .... No woman should be there. The nature of a man is to protect women and he would continually be concerned about helping the women around him, even at the risk of his own life or that of others. The distraction would be lethal to most men. In combat such as that, every man must carry his own weight and do his own job or people die. In that one battle, we Marines lost over 3000 killed, 6000 wounded and 100% frostbite. We had no women with us but barely survived. Google the Battle of Chosin Reservoir.
Even in peacetime, women and men living and showering together would be so volatile that the men, regardless of rules of order, would be competing for female attention and fighting each other. A more ridiculous experiment cannot be imagined. If it doesn't work on a pro football team, which doesn't compare with real war, it certainly wouldn't work in actual military combat. RB

This from The Daily Wire

Combat Vet Gives Powerful Testimony Against Trans Troops

"Serving in the military is a privilege not a right. And it is sure as hell not a social experiment." J.R.

Iraq combat vet and wounded warrior J.R. Salzman is certain "war is no place for people who are mentally, emotionally, or physically confused or in turmoil."
Reacting to President Donald Trump's announcement to rescind former President Barack Obama's last-minute order to accept openly transgender troops in the military, Salzman unleashed his own testimony via Twitter. 
"I served in Iraq in 2006. For the first five months I was on a 12 man firebase out in the middle of nowhere in the desert," said the veteran, before explaining the every day hell of war. 
"Everyday was Groundhog Day. Wake up and do the same patrols, the same shifts, every single day. It was so damn hot. 150° in the gun trucks," he wrote. "Tracer fire would go overhead occasionally at night. IED's on the road were a daily threat. We got resupplied food every 8 days."
"The stress of being out there and doing the same job every single day eats away at you. The younger guys had problems with that overtime," continued Salzman. "Any tiny little personal issue they had suddenly became a mountain. And that ___ came out on that fire base. And they snapped mentally. ... Guys would literally snap over a dear John letter. Their personal issues came out and they were instantly combat ineffective."
Salzman argued that the reality of such harsh circumstances of war make it no place for those confused about their gender. 
"Now take someone confused about whether they are a man/woman. Take those psychological and emotional issues and put them in that environment," he said. "Take someone who is right off the bat not uniform or part of the same team. Give them special treatment because of their identity."
"Take that person, put them in that stressful war environment and watch what happens. It's a ____ time bomb," Salzman pointedly added. 
"You have to be incredibly tough mentally, physically and emotionally. War is not a ____video game. It tests every ounce of your being," asserted the vet. "You can't teach someone to be a fearless warrior in a ____ PowerPoint. You either have it or you don't. You can hack it or you can't."
Salzman argued that those who were mentally unstable on the battlefield were a "liability."
"War is no place for people who are mentally, emotionally, or physically confused or in turmoil. You have your ___ together, or you don't," he stated. "And if you don't, you'll just get people needlessly killed. Political correctness has absolutely no place in the military."
As previously reported by The Daily Wire, transgender veterans are found to be particularly plagued by mental health issues, with the "highest rates of mental health problems in the U.S. ... A 2016 study found 90% of military members who identify as transgender were diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder, and almost 50% were hospitalized after attempting or considering suicide."
Salzman ended with this....
"Enough for now. This one armed veteran has a business to run. Unlike Iran, the country that took my arm, Obama didn't pay me millions."

The amputee is an apparent business owner now. RB
Image below of Salzman finishing 2nd in the 30K Bicycle Disability Race (May 12, 2013):

Army National Guardsman JR Salzman raises his arm as he crosses the finish line 2nd in the Men's 30K Bicycle Disability race.

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