Jul 31, 2017

Trump Learned Something From The Italian Mafia..."New York Values"

However it all turns out, This is fascinating.

There is an old axiom, "Don't get a grizzly in a corner"

The New York Mafia still has a grip on some of that cities businesses and labor. Many contractors have had to pay off the mob to get anything done. There is no way Trump has been totally spared from being delayed or unable to get something legitimate done because of Mafia pressure and interference. The same thing happens at the border entering Mexico. I have had to deal with these crooked customs agents, when taking food, clothing or building materials past those guys. Old Brother Clouse and I were once held for most of a day in a police compound in Laredo for refusing to pay what they called el poco, "a little bit". After that I just paid it in order to get on with feeding the poor hungry Mexicans or building a church there. The New York mob has done the same for many years. Many business owners have paid the Mafia for what they call "protection". Anyway, my inference is that President Trump has learned how to deal with problem cases with what some who live there call New York Values. So Trump has a real problem with a renegade in his inner circle leaking information to the opposition. He doesn't want to personally eliminate the guy because of the bad press and repercussions, so New York Values comes up with a plan. You bring in an amoral hit-man named Antonio Scaramucci to do the removal job. Then, as soon as this culprit has removed the offending culprit, and Reince Priebus disappears, Trump calls in the cops, General Kelly, a Marine, and does away with Antonio ScarFaceMucci, for trying to kill Proenus with dirty words, but then gives Mucci the opportunity to fall on his sword and call it "A resignation".

That's New York values. Hire a hit-man, then as soon as the elimination job is done ...shoot him quickly, and make it look like a suicide so your name is not affected. Or, maybe it wasn't that way at all. Maybe Trump, oblivious to what makes Evangelicals tick, had an Epiphany Moment when an unexpected Evangelical explosion of communications was dumped on the Oval office about his newly appointed nasty speaking Communications Detractor. Either way, I admire Trump's dexterity and ability to drain the swamp amidst the screams, hoots, growls, screeches, curses and insane complaints from the left.

Marine General Kelly was actually Trump's Force Majeure of last resort. The General had an M1 rifle to Scaramucci's head and told him, "You have either just resigned or good-by anyway". Now there's a real man among boys. I love you General Kelly, fellow Marine, keep up the good work sir. Send these weakie leakers and freaky speakers to boot camp sir for a dose of Marine Values. RB

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