Aug 17, 2017

In The Beginning, Of The 21st Century, Man Created Robot In His Own Image

And breathed into its brain Artificial Intelligence...

Is Satan using men to create another counterfeit of the holy things of God, including cyber humans created by man, in man's image? Is Satan creating a counterfeit human Genesis?

Is This The Genesis Of The Image Of The Beast ...

"And Man said, Let us make Robots in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over ... all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So Man created Robot in his own image, in the image of Man created he him; male and female created he them. And Man blessed them, and Man said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over ... every living thing that moveth upon the earth." RB
This from io9 We Come From The Future  by Annalee Newitz
It all started with “cybernetics,” an obscure term popularized by a mathematician named Norbert Wiener in the 1940s. For his groundbreaking book Cybernetics, Wiener borrowed the ancient Greek word “cyber,” which is related to the idea of government or governing. Indeed, the only time the word cybernetics had appeared before was in a few works of political theory about the science of governance.
In his writing, Wiener described what was at the time a pretty futuristic idea — that one day there would be a computer system that ran on feedback. Essentially, it would be a self-governing system. And for a long time, cybernetics remained the purview of information theorists like Wiener, and early computer programmers.

My Question ....
Below is link to the latest example of  Robot dexterity, agility and problem solving AI ... Artificial Intelligence. Will this thing eventually have a Demonic spirit and an Artificial soul when human DNA is implanted in conjunction with its cyber brain? RB

Come back to this from BBC News on Robot brain power.

Robot cracks open safe live on Def Con's stage


Using a cheap robot, a team of hackers has cracked open a leading-brand combination safe, live on stage in Las Vegas.
The team from SparkFun Electronics was able to open a SentrySafe safe in around 30 minutes.
The robot is able to reduce the number of possible combinations from one million to just 1,000, before quickly and automatically trying the remaining combinations until it breaks in.
After the robot discovered the combination was 51.36.93, the safe popped open - to rapturous applause from the audience of several hundred hackers.
SparkFun’s Nathan Siedle told the BBC: "That was one of the scariest things we’ve done. Lots of things can go wrong, and this was a very big audience.
"We’re really happy it opened up.”
A spokeswoman for SentrySafe could not be reached on Friday.
But speaking to Wired magazine earlier this month, when the team demonstrated its method on a smaller safe, a spokeswoman for the safe maker said: "In this environment, the product accomplished what it was designed to do.
"It would be realistically very difficult, if not impossible, for the average person to replicate in the field.”
The latest demonstration was performed at Def Con, the largest gathering of underground hackers in the world
The SparkFun team was not able to travel with a weighty safe, and so bought a new one that was opened up for the first time on stage.

I'm Heading Out to the Black. Farewell, io9 and Gizmodo!
I'm Heading Out to the Black. Farewell, io9 and Gizmodo!

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