Aug 16, 2017

North Korean "Kim The god Man" Says He Never Uses The Toilet And Is Universally Loved

The three generations of Communists who have ruled North Korea, with an iron fist, since WW2, when Korea was divided at the 38th parallel between Freedom and Slavery, by our unwise leaders, are the Kim family. The first to assume the Premier's title of ETERNAL PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, was Kim il-Sung, the second was Kim Jong-il, and the third is Kim Jong-Un who demands to be addressed as "Dear Leader". This one, raised in an atmosphere of paranoid obsession with being a family of gods, is a spoiled, irrational, fat faced, little brat, dictator who is building huge statues of himself in every county of his N.K. Kingdom called the Democratic People's Republic Of Korea. There is not one syllable of truth in these three vile lives of lies. North Korea is neither "Democratic", "The People's", "A Republic", nor is it "Korea". It is Communist North Korea, a nation of slaves. Kim and his worshipers are not atheists, they believe HE is god. But didn't Lucifer also? They both hate Christians, especially, and murder and torture them. I expect Kim to be assassinated. RB         

This from The U.K. Sun
Paranoid Kim Jong-un executing record numbers of North Koreans who no longer see him as a living GOD

US government report reveals his ruthless regime is persecuting thousands who dare to practice 'other religions'.

His ruthless regime is persecuting thousands who dare to practice “other religions” within its borders, according to a shock new US government study. Statues of Kim and his family draw ‘worshippers’ all over North Korea. Kim’s god-like status was passed down to him when his dad died.

The heartless crackdown – spearheaded by the paranoid Glorious Leader himself – is leading to imprisonment, torture and even execution by firing squad.
The news comes as it’s revealed more and more people are now turning to traditional religions like Buddhism and Christianity – rather than follow the so-called Cult of the Kims.
Among those are tens of thousands who have refused to sign up with the army.
The report said: “The number of conscientious objectors refusing military service for non religious reasons is also on the rise, according to local NGOs, lawyers, and religious groups.”
Article 86 of the North Korean Constitution states: “National defense is the supreme duty and honor of citizens. Citizens shall defend the country and serve in the armed forces as required by law.”
Kim is reportedly paranoid his own people are turning against him.
Kim sees his army’s strength as more important than ever before as he looks set to to take on the military might of Donald Trump’s America.
The US State Department released the annual report on global religious freedoms on Tuesday, with North Korea singled out for denying its people the “right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion”.
“The government continued to deal harshly with those who engaged in almost any religious practices through executions, torture, beatings and arrests”, the report states.
“An estimated 80,000 to 120,000 political prisoners, some imprisoned for religious reasons, were believed to be held in the political prison camp system in remote areas under horrific conditions,” it adds.
Those claims were backed up by a North Korean defector who is now a member of the Seoul-based Worldwide Coalition To Stop Genocide In North Korea.
“Officially sanctioned persecution of people for religious reasons is still there and, I would say, even stronger than before,” the unnamed defector told The Telegraph
“In the past, the people were told to worship the Kim family as their god, but many North Koreans no longer respect Kim Jong-un,” he said.
"That means they are looking for something else to sustain their faith. In some places, that has led to the emergence of shamens, but the Christian church is also growing and deepening its roots there.
"Even though people know they could be sent to prison - or worse - they are still choosing to worship, and that means that more cracks are appearing in the regime and the system."
In 2013, the Workers' Party of Korea amended the country's ideological system to ensure civilians showed  "absolute obedience" to Kim.
Kim's uncle, Jang Sung-Taek was executed when he dared to question the Kim family's god-like status in the rogue state.
In 2015, at the end of the formal three-year mourning period for the death of Kim Jong-il, Kim ordered the construction of new monuments to be built in every county of North Korea honoring himself.
A UN Commission of Inquiry into human rights in the secretive state found that “there is almost complete denial of the right to freedom of thought conscience and religion as well as the right to freedom of opinion, expression, information, and association”.
The Commission also noted that the tyrannical regime “considers the spread of Christianity a particularly severe threat” and as a result, “Christians are prohibited from practicing their religion and are persecuted”.WhatWhat citizens are told about Kim and his 'god-like'family citizens are told about Kim and his 'god-like' fa
What Citizens Are Told About Kim And His "god-like family"
Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un's father, had a supernatural birth. According to his official biography, he was born on Korea’s most sacred mountain, Mt. Baekdu. At the moment of his birth, a new star formed and illuminated the sky.
Kim Jong-il was a fashion icon. In 2010, North Korean media decided that Kim Jong-il’s fashion had taken the world by storm.
The whole world loved Kim Jong-il. North Koreans were made to believe North Korea was a phenomenally important country, and that Kim Jong-il was the world’s most powerful leader.
Kim Jong-il Invented The Hamburger. Minju Joson, the North Korean publication, credit Kim Jong-il with creating the hamburger. It's said the leader invented a brand new sandwich and named it “double bread with meat.”

Kim Jong-il was a master golfer. According to his biography, Kim Jong-il first picked up a golf club in 1994, at North Korea's only golf course. He shot a 38-under par round that included no fewer than 11 holes in one.
Kim Jong-il never used a toilet. His biography states that the leader never used a toilet - he apparently didn’t need to urinate or defecate. He could control the weather too.
Kim Jong-un stole time back from the Japanese. North Koreans believe during the occupation by Japanese “imperialists” in 1919, time was stolen. North Korea set its clock back by 30 minutes on August 15, 2015, to get it back.
Kim Jong-un's haircut is highly fashionable. His shaved style is pretty popular in the country and even has a name - 'Ambitious'.

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