Aug 12, 2017

USA Divided 50/50 Between Communists Vs. Constitutionalists! How Did It Happen?

All Roads Lead To Ruin Except The Jesus Way

Following WW1 Communist Russia quickly expropriated several bordering nations and formed the Soviet Union. After WW2 the Soviet Union expropriated all of Eastern Europe and the Chinese Communist rebels conquered the Nationalists and assumed control of all of China and several bordering nations. With the wealth of all of those countries stolen by the Communist Dictatorship of the "Proletariat", Communism forced itself upon several other nations around the world. At that point in history, it appeared that the entire world would soon be under the dictatorial domination of atheistic Communism. 
Communism is nothing less than the Socialist Religion Of Atheism. A Socialist Christian is a contradiction of terms. Socialism forcefully takes (steals) from those who have saved the fruit of their labors and gives it to those who have not. Under Communism, you do not consent to give what you have to the lazy, the wasters, or even the poor, it is taken from you by your masters, enjoyed by them and a smaller percentage passed on to their greedy supporters. In the process, literally, millions of free enterprise freedom lovers are executed or starved to death. The resulting survivors eventually run out of other peoples resources and a perversion of nature is left in control such as North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba. Russia finally went broke and is trying to rebuild its lost kingdom. China is rapidly morphing into a Free Enterprise system and may either crash or drift into a revolution. Our own nation is now being strangled by the 50% who are Communists, but under aliases called Progressives, Liberals,  Left-wingers or Socialists. Most don't even know they are Communists.

Below is one of the very best explanations of how our once great nation has come to its present unsustainable dilemma as a house of cards, by Bill Federer. Thanks for sending it, Elaine. RB

American Minute with Bill
Federer "You Americans 
are so gullible...You 
won't accept Communism 
outright, but 
we'll keep feeding you small 
doses"-Khrushschev, 1959 

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