Aug 11, 2017

Whatever Your Personal, Sexual "Identity", Put yourself In This Position

Try To Think What Jesus Would Do...And Do That

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Phil. 2:5  
This verb "Let" is an invitation from God's word to you, the understood subject. It is addressed to Christians who, only, have the capacity to accept the invitation's promise.

The article below is just one side of the picture. It relates to females in our military having to shower naked with  hairy, masculine "persons" with all the male physical equipment. The other side of the story is, that military men will be showering with what appear to be effeminate, buxom, naked females. Can you imagine the huge problems that will create? If you think that is a reasonable thing to do, and that it will not weaken the lethal effectiveness and orderly conduct of our military, please let me know so I can remove your name from my Common Sense mailing list. Nothing I say will benefit you. Only God can deal with that mind set.

This from The Daily Caller by Jonah Bennett

Army Training: Females Have To Suck It Up When Trans "Women" Shower Naked With Them

Mandatory Army training materials state that females will have to accept transgender women showering with them.
The Army has been rolling out a series of training materials entitled “Tier Three Transgender Training” to prepare soldiers to accept transgenders in their ranks, and one of the bullet points states that soldiers will have to accept austere, primitive conditions, which entails acceptance of trans "women" showering with other female soldiers.
The Federalist obtained the materials from an active-duty officer who completed the training last week.
According to the training, soldiers will be allowed to switch their gender markets without undergoing any kind of transition surgeries or physical changes. There are two crucial elements needed for transition.
First, a doctor must state that the soldier is stable in their new gender, and second, the soldier has to change their gender designation on a passport or birth certificate. Once that’s done, the soldier must “use the billeting, bathroom and shower facilities” associated with their new gender identity.
That means males transitioning to females without any transition surgery can shower naked in the same room with other females.
These female soldiers, instead of protesting, “must accept living and working conditions that are often austere, primitive, and characterized by little or no privacy.”
An additional bullet point notes that females need to prepare themselves for encountering individuals who are listed as female, but still have the physical genitalia of males. The same applies for men who encounter women transitioning to men.
The training emphasizes that the onus on modifying or adjusting behavior is on the natural-born men and women, as opposed to transgenders.
“All Soldiers should be respectful of the privacy and modesty concerns of others,” the training materials state. “However, the transgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not “match” other Soldiers.”
Former Secretary of Defense Ash Carter repealed the ban on transgenders serving in the military in 2016. Since then, the services have been working on implementing transgender policies and devising strategies to accept new transgender soldiers. Current Secretary of Defense James Mattis has given the services an additional six months beyond July 1 to prepare to accept transgenders into the military.
“After consulting with the service chiefs and secretaries, I have determined that it is necessary to defer the start of accessions for six months,” Mattis said in a recent memo. “We will use this additional time to evaluate more carefully the impact of such accessions on readiness and lethality.”
And then there is this from Fix This

Pediatrician Says Transgender Trend is Causing “Child Abuse” in U.S.

Liberals are having a mass freakout in the wake of President Donald Trump’s decision on Wednesday to ban transgender individuals from serving in the military. Words like “cruel” are being thrown about recklessly by Democrats (and even a handful of misguided Republicans). And while we might have our differences with the seemingly-rash way the president rolled out this policy, he had good reasons for doing so. The fight over transgender funding was threatening to block the increased money Trump wants for the Defense Department, which, in turn, could threaten the border wall he promised the voters. Using what we might call “Trump’s Razor,” the president nipped the fight in the bud by taking the entire situation off the table; there need be no military funding for sex transition if transgenders aren’t allowed to serve in the first place.
But whether or not Trump’s decision was based on anything more than the desire to head off a funding fight, it had the effect of once again forcing this issue into the headlines. And that’s not a bad thing, because it demonstrates how far removed from the reality of American thought the Democrats are these days. A snap poll shows that only 23% of Americans support transgender troops. And when you go down the line, you’ll find similar national opinions when it comes to many of the Obama-era policies regarding these Americans, including whether or not they should be allowed to have full access to the opposite gender’s locker rooms and bathrooms in schools and public facilities. As badly as it stick in the craw of ardent liberals, the fact remains that most people just aren’t buying that the mere desire to BE a woman automatically makes you a woman.
Political correctness has overtaken common sense (and science) in the medical community, leading organizations like the AMA to come out against the president’s order. But there are still plenty of rational thinkers in medicine who believe that this transgender trend is having a negative impact on the country that isn’t limited to troop morale. One of them is pediatrician Dr. Michelle Cretella who recently penned an essay at The Daily Signal saying that “transgender ideology” was causing “large-scale child abuse” across the country.
“Transgender ideology is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us — children — and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community,” she wrote. “Professionals who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy will find themselves maligned and out of a job. I have witnessed an upending of the medical consensus on the nature of gender identity. What doctors once treated as a mental illness, the medical community now largely affirms and even promotes as normal.”
Studies have proven that transgender individuals – even when their every whim is met and their every sex-change desire is fulfilled – experience exorbitant rates of depression and suicide. Parents and medical professionals who are more concerned about politics than reality are condemning children to a lifetime of misery by encouraging belief in a delusion. It has no business in schools, it has no business being encouraged by the medical profession, and it certainly has no business in the military.
May I say it again .... INSANITY! RB

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