Sep 24, 2017

Consequences Walk In The Steps Of Hatred And Stupidity

Whatsoever a fool soweth ... that shall he also reap 

The Quarterback of "Citizen, America Haters", King Colin Kaeperneck, Quarterback for the San Francisco 49er's, who refuses to show respect for our American Flag or National Anthem, is the leader of the parade of the growing number of Americans who have come down with his same odious virus. What these, in your face, insulters of our nation, our flag and our Anthem have actually succeeded in doing is not what they intended. They have increased in number alright, but they have also cut off their noses to spite their faces. The crowds attending their team's games are decreasing and the NFL-TV ratings are dropping rapidly because they let it happen and thereby encouraged it. As much as I enjoyed pro-football, I haven't tuned them in this season and am not going to. Below is the "lit fuse" results of what may lead to the end of this strange, fanatical religion ... screaming, wild-eyed, sports fans. Glorifying sports and sports "idols" is far worse than glorifying the U.S. Constitution and the men of God who drafted it for the rights, well being and freedom of all Americans. Maybe its time to tear down the sports idols and false gods which draw larger crowds than Jesus.

This photo and Headline from FOX News
NFL players kneel for national anthem in London, but stand for British anthem, after Trump rips athletes

It’s Shocking How Empty The Stadium Was For Thursday Night Football

The San Francisco 49ers Thursday night game against the Los Angeles Rams
kicked off in front of a nearly empty stadium
Los Angeles Times reporter Lindsey Thiry tweeted a photo at the time of kickoff, which showed thousands of open seats. In fact, most sections in the photo have more empty seats than fans. 

ESPN’s Darren Rovell reported that 63,500 tickets had been sold for the game, but of course, simply selling a ticket doesn’t mean the buyer will actually show up to the game

The NFL is the crown jewel of American sports. It can’t be overstated how awful the optics of an empty stadium for a prime time game is.

NFL management needs to isolate the problem and fix it
before things continue to spiral downward.
One tolerated act of rebellion encourages a host of others.

Navy Sailor Refuses To Stand For National Anthem - IMMEDIATELY Regrets It.

former Navy intelligence specialist recently took a page out of Colin Kaepernick's playbook and refused to stand for the national anthem during morning colors. However, she quickly learned she'd made a huge mistake.

Conservative Tribune reported that Petty Officer 2nd Class Janaye Ervin was stripped of her security clearance and assigned to menial labor for a few days before she was forced to leave the Navy for disrespecting our country so blatantly.

It all started on September 19, when Ervin refused to stand for the anthem when she was on reserve duty at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii. The International BusinessTimes reported that Ervin claimed she was trying to make a statement about blacks being persecuted in the United States by doing this.  "I just didn't want to stand at that moment," Ervin said "I can't stand for this song knowing that the song isn't for me, being black. The song doesn't represent me at all. To be honest, I never really thought about the flag my entire life, I had no reason to. It's just a flag."

The next day, Ervin's superiors read her her rights and gave her a warning about potentially compromising her security clearance, which she needed for both her military and her civilian job. One day after that, she was stripped of her security clearance and escorted out of the secure area where she was working.

Ervin is now claiming that she was never told which order she was violating, but this is clearly a lie since she violated the 10th General Order for Sentries, "...To salute all officers and colors and standards not cased....." which is taught in Navy boot camp.                                                 
All members of the Navy are required to memorize all 11 general orders in bootcamp, and they are aware that violating any one of them is subject to Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and is subject to whatever punishment is decided by court-martial.

On September 21, Ervin took to Facebook to publicly whine about how "unfair" this has been for her.  "The Navy has decided to punish me for defending the Constitution and has taken away my equipment I need to do my Naval job," she wrote, according to

Hey, Janaye, the Navy did not take ANYTHING from you.  You forfeited your own job when you knowingly violated a general order. 

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