Sep 26, 2017

You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

Fact Is Stranger Than Fiction

This Catholic Church was founded 1000 years ago and burned in the great London fire of 1666. The present building was then rebuilt on the same spot. A thousand years identified as a "Christian Church", with all the trappings of the Roman religion, have not made it one of Christ's Churches. The decreed promise of Jesus that, "... Upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it",  prove conclusively that  Saint Andrew Holborn Catholic Church is neither Saintly, Universal nor a Church of Jesus Christ. The "gates of hell" have, indeed "prevailed" against this counterfeit of a "Christian Church".

This from The UK Daily Mail in London
BLASPHEMY: Bishop's blast at 'satanic' London Fashion Week show that turned a church into a catwalk

  • Row erupted after part of London Fashion Week was held in London church
  • Ex-Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, said satanic aspect 'not acceptable' 
  • St Andrew Holborn church said it had always supported London Fashion Week

A bitter row has erupted after a fashion show featuring satanic designs was held at a historic church.
Leading clerics branded the event ‘blasphemous’ after models dressed as devils and vampires sashayed in front of the altar.
The show, part of London Fashion Week, was highlighting the work of controversial Turkish designer Dilara Findikoglu, whose creations have been worn by celebrities including singer Rihanna.
Against a backdrop of demonic images, heavily made-up models wearing horns or displaying upside-down crosses paraded down the aisle-turned-catwalk of St Andrew Holborn church in Central London last week.
Ms. Findikoglu, who has been described as an ‘up-and-coming rebel of the fashion world’, told Vogue magazine earlier this month of her fascination with the occult and magic.
But the former Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, said the satanic aspect of the show was ‘not acceptable’ and could lead people ‘to areas where we don’t want them to go.’
He said: ‘Christians will be outraged. This was not necessary to do. In the sense that Christ’s name is being dishonored, it is blasphemous.’

Theologian Dr. Adrian Hilton wrote in his Archbishop Cranmer blog: ‘How is it possible that a sacred space can be used for what can only be described as Lucifer lauding? How does hosting a Satanic Fashion Show glorify God?’
The church was founded 1,000 years ago and rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London in 1666. Its current Vicar is the Bishop of Fulham, Jonathan Baker.

Conservative Catholics have got to be conflicted when they see this sort of thing and hear their "infallible" Pope defending Liberal Atheists and Socialistic politicians on unbiblical social and political issues. Which do you suppose God holds in highest priority ... Truth or Harmony? RB

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron...." 1Tim.4:1-2.

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your  heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." Luke 21:28

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