Sep 26, 2017

Let America Restore Real Equality To The NFL

What do you call a bunch of millionaire, entitled, talented, adult adolescents who are cheered and loved by millions for the way they play with a little pointy ball and are worshiped as idols by their millions of fanatical followers. But still, they feel inferior, hated, hindered and abused by their adoring fans who are the great, great, great grandchildren of slave owners 156 years ago? These ball babies were not the slaves and we were not their owners. The police they hate are not the enemy. Our common enemy is the lawbreakers who the ball babies relate to, not the police they have contempt for. "Pitiful" is the word. Equality is not what they seek. They are already superior in fame, extreme wealth, privilege and luxury ... adored and excused for their faults and failures by the nation. What they really want is not equality but the domination of the nation. Let us give them true equality by ceasing to worship them and by moving their goal line and goal posts the same distance from the 50-yard line as that of the rest of us. We must repent of our error of giving them too much too young. We must correct our mistake of making them feel more special than others. We must restore to them our own level of equality with equal commonality, equal ignominy, equal love of America, equal income employment, and equal responsibility for their actions. We and the NFL are responsible for their deified illusions. After all, it was not they who put themselves on exalted pedestals but us sports fans. They will not willingly step down from their lofty, superiority perches. We must take them down. History will show that human beings who were elevated to the "worshipful master" level of sports stars, movie stars political stars and pulpit stars, are the worst kind of tyrannical hypocrites who never have enough power and privilege. Such egotistic delusion has a way of working itself into the centers of political power to rule over others. To name a few most infamous ones ... Hitler, Stalin, Mau Ts Tung, Kim Jong Un, Putin, and yes, Obama, Hillary, John McCain, Mitch McConnell .

But even more guilty than the players are the NFL officials who could easily have stopped the disrespect to our nation at its first demonstration ... but didn't, and now it is a political cancer which may kill the NFL and further wound our nation. 

They who would never bend a knee for the Lord,
willingly bend one for a false cause. $$$$$$$$$

Jerry Jones, if you ever had any dignity, its out the window

Source for the following commentary: Washington Times

If you’ve followed the news in the past week–and even if you haven’t–you’re no doubt aware of the NFL debacle. 

Overpaid executives and pampered athletes have joined forces, but not to honor and respect America. No, these members of the National Football League have made sure to reignite and back what Colin Kaepernick started last season: kneeling during our National Anthem. 

How do most veterans feel? 

Republican Congressman Brian Mast, a veteran who lost both legs during combat in Afghanistan, says these players should be shown the door, and at the very least penalized. 

“I have taken a knee after jumping out of a helicopter as we looked for the enemy, taken a knee in front of the Soldiers Cross as we mourned a fallen brother and taken a knee in church. Any player who has taken a knee to protest this great country during its anthem should already be gone,” explained the Florida Republican Congressman. 

But Congressman Mast isn’t the only one. Steelers’ offensive tackle Alejandro Villanueva made national headlines after refusing to join the rest of his teammates who decided to sit the anthem out. Villanueva is a West Point graduate and served three tours of duty, earning the Bronze Star for his acts of valor. 

While the NFL claims to care about fighting “oppression” and simply wants to “level the playing field” for all Americans, it’s clear that their current solution is nothing but a cop-out. What have they actually contributed to solve the problems they so desperately claim affect America? It’s interesting that none of the players bent on stirring controversy have actually taken positive action. 

Donate money. Get involved in your community. Affect a positive change. But have any of them done this? No. 

Because protesting is easy. Taking a knee to spit in the face of America’s values–the values that thousands of men and women have died to defend–provides nothing to affect real change. Instead, it has contributed to division and hatred. 

At the end of the day, protecting our Nation’s flag, anthem, and military members should be our number one priority. Because if they didn’t “have our 6”, there would be no NFL in the first place–or America for that matter. 

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