Oct 28, 2017

Jesus Spent No Time Defending Himself But Continued Dispensing The Truth

 It is not physical, mental or emotional triumphs, but the truth that sets people free - John 8:32.

Since it would be impossible for a Biblical Preacher to refute all of the thousands of cults, lies, and heresies in the world, and since we have limited time to reach the multitudes with the Gospel truths of Scripture, a Christian's energy and time would be best spent on doing the latter. There is a time to rebuke and refute error and its intrusion into the realm of truth, but publishing, preaching and teaching God's word must be every Christian's focus and every Minister's primary motivation. 

The same is true of a Christian, when attacked, accused, or lied about. Those things will happen. They always have. Jesus is our example and Christlikeness is our calling and destiny. As He paid little attention to attacks, lies, and accusations, even so, should we. Almost every reaction to false accusations and gossip evokes an even meaner, uglier counter-action. A continued response, by the accused, however sincere, only inflames the accuser who ignites the conflict into a forest of fire. And that expands the debate ... broadens awareness of it and draws other hostiles into the conflict. Those who don't even know either person begin to offer their opinions and even friends start to wonder if it could be true. There are no winners in such public spit fights except those who refuse to be drawn into it but continue to teach and preach God's word. I must say that "social media", Facebook in particular, is a fertile field for the seed of conflict.

The experienced wisdom of King Solomon, who had years of wise upbringing and dealing with all kinds of people and highly intelligent opponents, gave some very good advice on responding to expert spokesmen of many opposing viewpoints. His advice was ...  "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." Prov.15:1

When Jesus was accused of being a glutton, an alcoholic and an accomplice of evil people, he didn't admonish them for false accusations against Him, but rather "because they repented not" of their unbelief.

"The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners." Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done because they repented not." Matt.11:19-20.

When Jesus was accused of being full of the devil he reasoned with His accusers but did not argue with them. 

"And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.  And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?" Mark 3:22-23.

The best defence against an evil offense is a "soft answer" of logic and reason or just ignoring it.

Conflicts last much longer when both sides join in the debate than when the argument is all one-sided... with no response... except continuing to do good.

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