Oct 30, 2017

So, NFL Union And George Soros Serve The Same Anti-American Master

As in an avalanche, one final snowflake falls on the critical mass, teetering atop the mountain, and the entire mountain, of snow, ice, and dirt, begins its slide down upon the happy skiers, ski lodge, and village. Who could have guessed a second-string, wealthy, black, quarterback, raised in an affluent white family, and under an $11.9 million contract would be that anti-American snowflake? RB

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) (March 31, 2016)-- After months of trade talk and speculation, Colin Kaepernick is still on San Francisco's roster and due a hefty payday. Not many figured on this outcome in recent months. The 49ers could have released him or traded him. Instead, the quarterback's $11.9 million 2016 contract became guaranteed at 1 p.m. local time Thursday when San Francisco kept him on the roster.

The latest on the NFL Anti-American Avalanche 
Angry NFL Players Union Swings Into Action

While most football fans probably thought the NFL was a nonpartisan athletic organization, its labor union has been quietly donating money to leftist political causes for years. Meanwhile, fans do not appreciate the injection of left-wing propaganda into their favorite sports.

Colin Kaepernick is unemployed but continues to hijack another NFL season.
The National Football League Players Association sent a letter inviting NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, Houston Texans owner Bob McNair, and unemployed quarterback Colin Kaepernick to a union meeting in Philadelphia on Monday to discuss “equality and justice for all.”
And here we thought football was about throwing and catching a ball and scoring touchdowns for your team. Who knew the NFL also moonlights as the Super Friends Justice League?
“Many players have been deeply troubled by the disturbing comments made by Texans’ owner Bob McNair,” the NFL Players Union said in a letter obtained by ESPN.
“It is ironic that such a quote would emerge in the midst of an ongoing struggle to highlight injustices suffered by people of color, including our nation’s deeply flawed approach to criminal justice and inhumane treatment of imprisoned people.”
The letter continued: “As long as the prevailing reality of our league includes a culture where owners feel such behavior and language is permissible, our cause will continue to be stifled and progress will remain elusive. This isn’t about being a player or a club owner but basic human decency.”
The NFL union’s letter came shortly after McNair made a comment suggesting that NFL team owners (who pay the salaries of the players) should make executive decisions about their teams, and not the other way around.
Makes sense, right? The boss makes the decisions. That’s how it is in all jobs — whether it’s white-collar or blue-collar, athletics or farming. Most rational people who don’t like their jobs usually go find another one. They don’t stay and protest and expect to keep getting paid.
After saying “We can’t have the inmates running the prison,” McNair was slammed as a racist for quoting an expression that has been used countless times by scores of people. Amid heavy backlash, McNair apologized for his remark.
“I regret that I used that expression,” McNair said. “I never meant to offend anyone and I was not referring to our players. I used a figure of speech that was never intended to be taken literally. I would never characterize our players or our league that way and I apologize to anyone who was offended by it.”
It’s unknown if McNair, Goodell or Kaepernick will attend the meeting of the NFL Players Union, although it’s doubtful. Most team owners probably don’t appreciate being summoned to a meeting by their employees.
If you’re wondering why the National Football League has not cracked down on unpatriotic players protesting the national anthem, all you have to do is follow the money. Tax records show the NFL players union is in cahoots with anti-American leftist billionaire George Soros.
The National Football League Players Association donated money to the Soros-funded Center for Community Change Action, a left-wing activist group that bankrolls anti-Trump protests, according to tax documents.
George Soros — a supporter of the anti-police Black Lives Matter movement and alt-left Antifa thugs — actually worked for the Nazi party during his youth. Let that sink in. End of article.
Soros, a Hungarian Jew, admitted that he passed himself off as a Christian and helped the Nazis confiscate property from Jews during World War II in a 1998 interview with “60 Minutes” (see below).
This article from BizPack Review

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