Nov 1, 2017

Whose Faults And Sins Do You Regret, Yours Or Theirs

"Every One Of Us Shall Give Account Of Himself To God" Rom.14:12

A popular tattoo among motorcycle gangs and convicts is, "No Regrets", another way of saying, "No Conscience". So let's be honest, the only people who have no regrets are those the world now calls narcissists, a much-miss-used word. It is not a Biblical term, but it has a psychological definition. I googled it and found 142 different definitions by people who were seemingly using it to describe someone they already had a grudge against. The word comes from the Greek word "narkissos". It originated in a Greek myth about a beautiful young man who fell in love with his own image in a fountain and pined away with lust for himself. Psychologists define it as a "personality disorder of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with one's self". So a Biblical term fitting that description would be self-righteous or selfish. In other words, self-centered, self-worshiping, which reflect a person with no conscience and with no personal regrets because he/she is not only entitled but is always right, never wrong.

We all have reason to regret past actions or words. Some were simply mistakes, but others were plainly sinful.  Whichever, not admitting mistakes and not apologizing for sinful actions is a common human flaw. It is much easier to blame someone else instead of ourselves. But not repenting to God for sin is devastating and if not done will eventually lead to unresolvable problems, hate, blaming others, false accusations, robbery, rape or even murder. A person with no conscience, no guilt, will do anything ... if they think they can get away with it.

God sent His Holy Spirit into the world to  "... convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment ...." John 16:8.  (Of sin, the damage of it. Of righteousness, the need of it. Of judgment, the certainty of it.)   So one of His primary functions is to "convict of sin".  When a person continuously rejects God's convicting of their sins, they slowly harden their hearts to it until they have no feelings of regret and therefore no motivation to apologize to others or repent to God. A person who has been to prison three times or divorced four times or fired five times, need not blame someone else for their self-inflicted scars. They obviously brought some or all of it upon themselves.

Some such persons who blame others or the law or society for all their faults have reached a place of "past feeling"...  "Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greed." Eph.4:19.

This condition, of long-term, unrepentant guilt of sin, hardens and scars over the heart as if the conscience has been seared over with a hot iron, and it multiplies their sins.   "Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron." 1 Tim.4:2.   But if in their self-centeredness, they deny having done anything wrong but are "victims of circumstance" and not guilty of any sin, they are saying "God is a liar".   "If we say we have not sinned, we make him (God) a liar, and his word is not in us." 1 John 1:10.

Overwhelming regrets, that may drive you into depression, can be repented of and forgiven by God, if not by those you offended. But, regrets, however unshakable, and burdensome, are better than being guilty with "No Regrets". That is unrepeatable.

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9. 

Repentance to God for sins not only relieves the degree of regret but is one of the most spiritual acts a human has power to do.

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