Nov 3, 2017

Sobbing Dem lawmaker has unhinged meltdown during speeding stop

When you are in the wrong, apologize. If that fails, beg and plead. When that fails, deny. When that fails, cry. When that fails, accuse and threaten. When that fails, get hysterical. When that fails, hyperventilate. And Democrats ask me why I'm not one of them. RB

This from BizPac Review News
When all else fails… cry. That old trick has been used eons to try to get out of traffic tickets and other minor offenses. But, it certainly turns more than a few heads when it’s a county legislator who’s shedding the tears. Jennifer Schwartz Berky was stopped in her hometown Ulster, New York for speeding. Video of the stop shows Berky was more than a little rattled at the thought of a ticket.

Click on the blue link below   "Sobbing Dem Lawmaker".   
Watch it in its entirety and then tell me which of these two Americans is a typical Liberal Democrat ... not to mention a lawmaker lawbreaker.

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