Oct 11, 2017

NFL Takes A Droopy, Tepid Stand For America

Finally, after the smoke has risen and dust has settled, The NFL "stands", weakly, for the National Anthem. Now, you know that the NFL heard and saw the tsunami of national uproar against them, and were secretly screaming at each other to do something to stop the flood of angry reaction and complaints. They could see their little, elite ruling class going down the tube. Fans, by the millions, were dumping the games; advertisers were canceling; coaches had lost control and were fearfully joining the players against the flag and anthem; owners envisioned multi $million losses and the NFL itself was swirling down the toilet. So, you know, they were hysterically discussing every possible option to stop the bleeding and analyzing every sentence, word, and syllable of their anemic announcements to the press. They didn't just whip out a response without considering the meaning or inference or nuance of every single word of a news release. So, let me pull back the curtain and interpret their latest release to the public...
Here is the FOX News report on what the NFL "commissioners" had to say... (My comments in blue. RB)

Trump Says 'About Time' After NFL's Goodell Calls On Players To Stand For Anthem

President Trump said Wednesday it’s “about time” after NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell sent a letter to teams calling on players to "honor our flag" and stand for the national anthem. 

“It is about time that Roger Goodell of the NFL is finally demanding that all players STAND for our great National Anthem – RESPECT OUR COUNTRY,” Trump tweeted early Wednesday. 

The president’s comments come a day after Goodell sent a memo to NFL executives and club presidents, aiming to move past the weeks-long feud between the White House and NFL players who have kneeled or otherwise protested during the national anthem at the start of NFL games. (Hey, FOX News, wake up. The "feud" wasn't just between the White House and NFL players. It was mostly between the players, the NFL  and 70% of the American people. The other 30% are the same ones who always stand for everything the 70% stand against, and against everything we stand for. RB)

“We live in a country that can feel very divided  (So the flag and national anthem are as common as all the other pig tracks? RB). Sports, and especially the NFL, brings people together and lets them set aside those divisions, at least for a few hours,” Goodell wrote. “The current dispute over the National Anthem  (The dispute is not over the anthem itself, but over the players' disrespect for all our flag and anthem stand for. RB)  ...is threatening to erode the unifying power of our game, and is now dividing us, and our players, from many fans across the country.”  (The word "many" was chosen intentionally rather than "most". Many could mean less than half, even a tenth if you are speaking of 10% of 230 million Americans. 23 million is "many" but 70% is "most". But the NFL didn't want to use "most". That would make them look even more ridiculous. RB)

Goodell added: “Like many  ( Again, the proper word is "most". RB)  of our fans, we believe that everyone should stand for the National Anthem. It is an important moment in our game. We want to honor our flag and our country, and our fans expect that of us.”  (Yes sir, we surely do. RB)

He noted that the NFL “cares deeply” about players and “respect” their “opinions and concerns about critical social issues.”  (How are the 70% expected to "respect" false accusations? Why does neither the press nor the NFL ever mention that the football player who started all of this giving a knee to the flag and Star Spangled Banner, Colin Kaepernick, is a Communist married to a Muslim? Couldn't that explain his attitude toward our country? RB)

“The controversy over the Anthem is a barrier to having honest conversations and making real progress on the underlying issues,” Goodell wrote. “We need to move past this controversy and we want to do that together with our players.”  (It's not just this controversy that is a "barrier to having honest conversations" on issues. To a greater extent, it is the disingenuous and false accusations that 30 % constantly make against law enforcement and just about everything else they hate about America. RB)

Goodell and NFL team owners will meet in New York City next week for their annual fall meeting, where the protests will apparently be discussed.  (If they take a stand for our nation, our flag, our military and our national anthem, it will be with that 70% and $dollar $igns in their eyes. RB)

Vice President Pence got involved in the feud last weekend when he traveled to his home state of Indiana to attend the Indianapolis Colts vs. San Francisco 49ers game on Sunday. The vice president left the game when players did not stand for the anthem.  (His departure was a far greater victory than that gained by all the NFL teams who won their games on Sunday. He didn't just overlook the insult to America, as some of you might be inclined to do. RB)

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