Oct 10, 2017

Another Good Reason To Dump The Leftist NFL

Kicking the NFL addiction was never so easy since their players' uncontrollable, Anti-American actions exposed their corporate politics and forced them out of their left wing closet. As one of my friends said, "when he considered the bloodshed and death of the hundreds of thousands who died on the battlefields for freedom and all our flag stands for, giving up the NFL was no trouble at all." After two weeks of ignoring the games, I didn't care who won. After all, its just a game and doesn't determine anything of any importance... except to them and their $million bank accounts. RB

NFL players union partners with George 

Soros to bankroll anti-Trump ‘resistance’

From BizPac Review Oct.6, 2017
If you’re wondering why the National Football League has not cracked down on unpatriotic players protesting the national anthem, all you have to do is follow the money.
Tax records show the NFL players union is in cahoots with anti-American leftist billionaire George Soros.
The NFLPA (National Football League Players Association) donated money to the Soros-funded Center for Community Change Action, a left-wing activist group that bankrolls anti-Trump protests, according to tax documents released by 2ndVote.
“The NFLPA has financially supported at least two more left-wing, anti-Trump activist groups,” 2ndVote reported.  Not surprisingly, the NFLPA union has defended football players’ rights to disrespect the national anthem at NFL games. 
What a shocker. The NFL players union is politically aligned with radical leftist George Soros. (Photo by Alex Pantling/Getty Images) 
While most football fans probably thought the NFL was a nonpartisan organization, its labor union has been quietly donating money to leftist political causes for years. 
As BizPac Review has reported, numerous corporate giants such as cereal maker Kellogg’s have donated millions to leftist political causes sponsored by the Center for Community Change Action (CCCA). 
George Soros’ Open Society Foundation— whose goal is a borderless world resembling anarchy — is a major donor to CCCA, as is the NFL players union. 
Soros, 86, has also donated billions of dollars over the decades to finance Democratic politicians like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
In 2016, he donated millions to defeat Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election. Soros is also behind the push to flood Europe with Muslims.
Shortly after President Trump was elected, Soros reportedly financed violent Antifa protests around the country, many of which resulted in massive property damage, vandalism, and innocent people getting beaten up.
Soros — a supporter of the anti-police Black Lives Matter movement and alt-left Antifa thugs — actually worked for the Nazi party during his youth. Let that sink in.
 My Comment: What makes that even worse is that He is Jewish and betrayed his own people to work with the Nazi's. If you want to know more about George Soros, Google his name or Bing it.

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