Oct 9, 2017

Straining At A Gnat And Swallowing A P.C. Camel

Politically Correct... But Mentally Absent ...

So here we are in a perfect storm of massive tragedies battering our nation ... one hurricane after another, winds and floods destroying homes and killing people, we are chained to Obama's insane treaty with Iran, North Korea is promising constantly to send nuclear missiles to destroy us, illegal drugs and sin are rotting us from within, Russia and China are conspiring to make us a third world nation, we are involved in wars in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, Congress deadlocked by Trump haters, Inflation eating away citizen's savings, and Soros paid criminals rioting in the streets. So what are U.S. haters and Political Liberals upset and screaming curses about?  Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Robert E. Lee. Things which happened hundreds of years ago which have nothing to do with anyone living today. It is history. None of us mistreated the Indians or have slaves or fought in the Civil War, and none of those rioting and tearing down statues today and dishonoring our flag and national anthem are the mistreated Indians or were ever slaves. Considering all the really horrible and destructive catastrophes battering our country, these weak minded, pampered and spoiled complainers are pathetic to the extreme. 

It is obvious to me that no man can get our nation back on track. We are overrun by idiots and lunatics cheered on by treasonous Liberal politicians. Therefore, those of us who still have a rational mind, and know the Lord, had better pray for the survival of the land of the free and home of the brave. RB

Here are a few of today's U.S. headlines of ignorance

This from the Political Insider
Christopher Columbus Continues To Be Under Assault From PC Liberals

In fourteen hundred ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
He had three ships and left from Spain;
He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain.
We’ve all heard the old poem taught in school about explorer Christopher Columbus.
But as the national holiday that remembers his contribution to our nation arrives today, Monday, October 9th, far-left, politically-correct zealots have renewed their push to rewrite him out of our history.
This year alone, 21 cities across the United States have opted to celebrate the holiday as ‘Indigenous People’s Day,‘ which does little more than to provide them with a temporary, warm, fuzzy feeling in their tummies.
Cities from Burbank, California, to Bangor, Maine, have jumped aboard the PC crazy train.
Will North Korea test another H-bomb TODAY?

California law could mean jail time 

for using wrong gender pronoun


And on and on and on it goes....

Beyond insanity all the way to devilish

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