Aug 12, 2018

Evolution Is About Changing Of, Not Origin Of Species

Bury the origin of life...dig up a fantasy...

Webster Dictionary defines "evolution" as:
The Descent with modification from preexisting    species cumulative inherited change in a population of organisms through time leading to the appearance of new forms the process by which new species or populations of living things develop from preexisting forms through successive generations" 

It is interesting that the word "descent" means down, not up, in its ancestral trajectory. So the word, "evolution" speaks to the "descent" (downward changing) of pre-existing life, changes of already living things,
   not their origin.   It speaks to the "modification", of a pre-existing, living thing. It speaks to the "cumulative "inherited" evolving of life" by way of an already existing, internal, quality of "heritage"   ("after its own kind").   This "slow change" is assumed, by evolutionists, to require millions of years of "time", since it is even obvious to an idiot that such radical change from a pre-existing, tiny, wiggly bit of life at its beginning, to a highly developed, thinking creature would require eons more time than eternity ... even if evolution worked. These "new", after millions of years, "species or populations of already living things develop from "preexisting forms".... Yes, repetitious I know, but repetition is the mother of learning. Anyone who can't see the fallacy of evolution and reality of creation requires truth to be hammered in.

Webster's definition of what the word "evolution" means is correct. Evolution speaks only of the best guess of Charles Darwin and all his evolving, descending, modifying, changing followers, not to the "origin" of life", but to the descending, modifying, changing of that life. Not to the "origin" of species, but to the "inherited changing" of those living species, since they have no idea where that original, existing, life came from. They think that the first "life organism" may have fallen here from outer space, or popped out of a warm puddle of mud, or a lightening strike or volcanic eruption, or the sun's rays fried it up.

They don't say a word about the "origin" of life, but billions of words about its supposed , inherited, evolving nature. So the question they choose to deal with is not "origin" of life, but how that original life became a world full of highly evolved creatures. No, evolutionists can't use the word "creatures" because that infers creation.  So the question they choose is, How did we "evolve" from a living speck, in warm mud, to a highly complex human being?" That is far less important than "Where did that mud, its dirt, its moisture, and that warmth, and that survivable atmosphere, and that speck of life, and its air and food come from in the first place?"

So evolutionists have left the greatest single "scientific" event of world history, creation of life, in a closet, on the shelf, in an air tight box, while they dig holes all over the world looking for a single missing link between you and a tadpole. They have found millions of human skeletons, and those of every kind of animal, but not one combining any two of them into one fossilized bone. Even if that were possible, which it isn't, Evolutionists would still not have solved the atheist's ignored question of where "life itself" came from. The answer is .... "The breath of God". Gen.2:7. "...LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."  

The "life" cycle of a "living soul" follows this continuum... Breathing is "respiration" which means     "A process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide."    

A living, breathing person has a God given purpose..."Aspiration".
The drawing in of breath; inhalation.... The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative."

God also spiritually motivates every living soul, who is attuned to His will, to accomplish his/her purpose in life through "inspiration" which rises above human aspirations.

When your time is up and you ceases to breath, the spirit leaves the body in its expiration.   The expiration of earthly life is defined as ...  "The ending of the fixed period for which a contract is valid." But the meaning of it is to cease to breath.

Evolutionists have written millions of pages, spent billions of dollars and infiltrated hundreds of colleges, to teach an impossible theory.... "evolving of species", that has no basis in FACT. Not even a single piece of verifiable evidence.  I suggest a re-reading of Genesis 1-2. 

The two worst things about Evolution are, (1) It makes the Bible account of creation a lie, and if Genesis is a lie we couldn't have an ounce of faith that the rest of the Bible is not also a lie. So "faith" would be impossible because   "Faith comes by hearing... the word of God." Rom.10:17.   And (2) If we evolved from a tadpole, frog, sloth, and monkey, we were not, as the Bible says,   "created in the image and likeness of God",   but are nothing more than animals. And as animals, without a Creator God, to give account to, we may then, without restraint, act like animals, steal other animals' food, bite, scratch, kill and eat them as well. As animals, there is no compelling reason to control our lusts, anger, and selfishness. We see those very traits in people who feel no faith in, or accountability to our Creator...God. You wonder why so many intelligent and powerful peoples' sympathy is with the condemned murderers and abortionists more than with their victims? Simple... They relate to the murderer and abortionist, their fellow "animals", more than to the dead victim and the unborn baby. Because we are not animals, but created in his likeness, God has given us His will, His word, and a Savior which are the most civilizing force on this planet. RB

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