Aug 13, 2018

It Seems A Modern Day Cyrus Is Delivering America

Following the dehorning of a Babylonion

First, because of His people, Israel's, sins, God delivered them into the hands of a self worshiping, pagan king who sought to force God's people to change their God and their identity. The Prophet, Daniel, and others of the Hebrews refused and the wicked king tried to eleminate them in the lions' den and firey furnace but God interveined for them.

The Prophet Daniel lived to witness God's removal of evil King Nebuchadnezzar, who had enslaved the Jews. He then lived to witness God's raising up another pagan, Persian King Cyrus, who set the Jews free, financed the rebuilding of their Temple, and protected them from a host of hateful enemies as they rebuilt it. It was during that time that Daniel wrote these words ....   
"Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his .... he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding." Daniel 2:20-21.   
Daniel saw it all with his own eyes.
We, God's people today, may be seeing a similar thing take place.

It appears that a King Cyrus like President replaced a self-worshiping Nebuchadnezzar like Ruler in America two years ago. We had our Nebuchadnezzar, for God's own purposes, and would have had a similar Babylonian Queen, but God set up a Cyrus, instead, who is rebuilding what the pagan, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed. Cyrus was not one of the people of God, but it was God who raised him up to perform the impossible, and restore Israel, their freedom of worship, and the Temple of God in Jerusalem.

Of all the dozens of charges the Democrats have leveled at President Trump and the hundreds of  mud slinging accusations the Major News Networks have thrown at him, some of that mud is bound to stick ... as would be true with any human being on earth if they were subjected to this billion dollar, deep state, onslaught. Many of the people I respect most couldn't survive the amassed power and hatred behind these attacks. I am convinced that 98% of the angry left-wing charges against Trump are lies and exaggerations. But out of such a vicious and constant bombardment something is bound to wound him, and some is probably true, as it would have been with King Cyrus. It is virtually impossible but that some of the multitude of mud balls will turn out to be true. One or two will stick and he will be beaten to death or impeached by these lunatics, except for God who put him up there. If he is successfully impeached, it will be because God, who raised him up, has set him down, and will raise up a new choice for His own purposes. But it can't be done without God's permissive will.

However, as long as President Trump continues to clean house in Washington, drain the swamp, eliminate the grafters, traitors, cheats, leakers, and communists; as long as he is unwinding the damage Obama ravaged upon our nation; as long as he continues to put America first; as long as he honors our national anthem, our flag, cops, firemen, veterans and tax payers; as long as he continues to renegotiate trade; as long as he puts a stop to the persecution of Christians by our government; as long as he puts the fear of God in our enemies and embraces our friends; as long as he protects our Constitution, the first, second and all Amendments; as long as he continues to deal with the illegal alien problem.... I don't really care what he did 10 or 20 years ago, or that he meets or has his representatives meet with the Russians face to face as he met with North Korea's  leader. How else can a leader resolve foreign problems; I don't care that he may have a bit of a hair fetish, or angers those who hate him for false or stupid reasons.  This guy, this curious, unprecedented, untypical, secularized, irreligious but remarkable individual is doing God's work for America as worldly King Cyrus was doing God's work for His people, Israel.

So You left-wing falsifiers, elitist one worlders, and hypocrite haters, if you are to have any credibility, need to study exactly what Trump is actually doing, not what the press and your empty headed politicians say about him. He wasn't my first, second or third choice for President but I believe he was God's unlikely choice, and that's good enough for me. None of the others could have done nearly as much good as Donald Trump has done for America in less than two years. If you can't see it, you aren't looking or listening but are bowing to Nebuchadnezzar as your god, which Daniel and the Hebrew children refused to do, and as America's true Christians refused to do. 

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