Aug 17, 2018

Understanding An Old Renegade Like Me

Allow for my life's experiences, age, and scars

Being a profuse writer of broad interests and extensively distributed commentary, I have gained a good many critics as well as friends. Some minds have questioned my choices of secular subjects mixed in with my scriptural commentary. Others think I should stick strictly to uplifting, positive subjects and avoid the negative. And then there are those who seldom if ever read the Biblical commentary. I don't want to lose any of those who visit Common Sense Commentary. I not only hope to strengthen and bless Christians but to attract every category of non-Christians to hear my biblically fundamental based, Conservative Christian viewpoint. They hear the opposing viewpoint all day long from the news media and most politicians.  There are those who agree with my political and secular opinions but either disagree or do not understand my Scriptural ones ... and others who agree with me Scripturally but never read the other commentary.

I would not waste my time writing on all other subjects except spiritual ones. But if  I wrote only on spiritual subjects, my readers would decrease by half and I would have no input in the lives of those who need it the most. So read what you wish and leave what you wish and give me the benefit of the doubt that I am seeking to please God and touch as many lives as I can with His truth. I am willing to account to the Lord for what I write.... It is my Blog and my responsibility. I promise not to adjust my goal of pleasing God and enlightening readers to .... pleasing readers and enlightening God, which is common in religious commentary.

I speak from my own understanding and experience. That is the only understanding and experience I have to offer. My understanding, if it is correct, has emerged from my boyhood home environment, Bible study, my education, family, the Marine Corps, 36 years as a pastor and the sum total of all my life experiences. The most transforming of which have been seeing God's word and promises proven true and fulfilled in my own life. I have not always obeyed what I know to be true and right, but my negligence has never been because I doubted God's faithfulness or truth. The reality of God and Jesus Christ, their love, power, knowledge, and presence, is the deepest anchor and strongest tower within Rayburn Blair. I can ask for nothing more ... and want nothing more. I write what I believe to be true, and since I work for no one but God, and am not paid to write, have nothing to gain from my readers and want nothing from them, I have no motivation to write what they want to hear.

The chances of me changing any essential, fundamental thing I believe, at 88, are slim to none. I remember when I was young, regularly having to readjust my beliefs to keep every point in my understanding in impeccable harmony with each other like arranging the pieces of a puzzle to fit with flawless, compatible, perfection.  Truth has no internal conflict.  The scriptural admonition to maintain that preeminent standard is,     "... rightly dividing the word of truth."    The only way to discover that holy goal is through Bible study, with the purpose of "God's approval" and the avoidance of eventual shame in this life and even eternal shame if we misdirect others to believe a soul censuring lie. The aged, Apostle Paul, was telling young Timothy of the importance and only way to build his faith on the solid rock of God's eternal truths was through Bible study.   "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 1 Tim.2:15.      A lot of things are important, such as love, prayer and giving, but as wonderful as those things are, unless they are based upon the "the word of truth", God's word, the Bible, they are empty of any eternal value.  You see,     "Faith comes by hearing... the word of God." Rom.10:17   and    "Without faith it is impossible to please him...." Heb. 11:6.    

All thought and opinion and conclusion which conflicts with God's word of truth is in error. So it is imperative that we be thoroughly informed and correct in our interpretation of  the Bible, God's word.

That is the primary purpose and goal of my life... to be in harmony with my Creator .... not the only other option in this battle of the ages.

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