Sep 12, 2018

Clarence Thomas: Quiet, Conservative, Patriotic Hero

And Honest Justice Of The United States Supreme Court

Justice Thomas's faith has jumped around from Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Episcopal, Catholic, and since I can't know any person's true beliefs, I am not comfortable identifying most "professing" Christians as a "genuine" Christian. That is God's call. I cannot read their minds and hearts. But it is certain that he considers himself a Christian and speaks often of his "Christian" faith. We know he is not an atheist, a Muslim, a homosesxual a Communist or a Socialist by his comments and positions taken on cases before the Court. Some professing Christians are true believers in spite of their religious confusion and inconsistencies. Justice Thomas is not inconsistant in his national, moral and Constitutional rulings... that I can detect. He is obviously one of the strongest Constitutional Conservatives on the court. 

He and his mother were abandoned by his father early on and he was raised by his maternal Grandparents who were also great Americans.

Judge thomas was, like all other conservative justces, put through the Democrat wringer of lies, and unproven accusations because they think they own all blacks ... but a Conservative black proves otherwise.

Here is C. P. Farley's, review of Judging Thomas: The Life and Times of Clarence Thomas written by Ken Foskett. 

In Ken Foskett's breezy new biography of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, he describes how Thomas likes to make new law clerks watch the 1949 movie adaptation of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. In the picture, Gary Cooper plays an idealistic, intransigent architect named Howard Roark who refuses to compromise his vision in order to satisfy an Establishment addicted to mediocrity. It's not difficult to imagine why this is Thomas's favorite film. Like Gary Cooper -- excuse me, Howard Roark -- Clarence Thomas believes himself a man of vision besieged on all sides by people of little imagination who just don't get him (Orrin Hatch and Phillis Shlafley aside). Thomas is a genuine heroic individualist in the Objectivist tradition.
Some of Justice Thomas's decisions and comments:

Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided & should be overturned. (June 1992)

Affirmative action forever discounts black achievements. (Oct. 2007)

Boy Scouts may exclude gay scoutmasters. (Jun. 2000)

Black problems should be solved by blacks. (Oct. 2007)

Death penalty is in the Constitution & can't be unconstitutional. (Oct. 2002)

Treat drug roadblocks the same as drunk-driving roadblocks. (Nov. 2000)

School vouchers preferable to busing & welfare. (Oct. 2007)

Eminent domain should not take from poor to give to rich. (Jun. 2005)

Judges should not impose their will, but just interpret law. (Sept. 1991)

Right to gun ownership is individual, not collective. (June 2008)

States decide insurance issues, not federal government. (June 2006)

No judicial limit on detaining illegal immigrants. (June 2001)

No back pay to illegal alien fired for union organizing. (Mar. 2002)

So I consider Justice Thomas a National Patriot and Hero. RB

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