Sep 13, 2018

People Who Make Old Rayburn Say ... Hummm

Of Whom Do I Hmmmm?

People who hate all wealthy people, but want to be one of them.

People who hate police, but scream for them to "come quick" when in danger.

People who hate people who hate people, but can't see the contradiction.

People who hate their employer, their job, and salary who wouldn't think of quitting.

People who hate everything America stands for, but wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

People who say their boss doesn't appreciate them but have never found one who does.

People who "eat very little" and "very seldom" ... but weigh 300 pounds.

People who expect a birthday or thank you card, but never send one.

People who think everybody is talking about them, but constantly gossip about others.

People who say their child "got in with the wrong crowd" when theirs is the worst of the bunch.

People who spend lavishly and save nothing, but expect Taxpayers to support them in their old age.

People who smoke, drink, eat out and go to movies, but can't pay their rent.

People who are adored, famous and paid $millions to "play" with a ball, but think they are violated.

People who oppose executing the guilty but demand the right to abort the innocent.

These are my "Hmmms". Do you have one or two? send them to me.

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