Oct 26, 2018

My Experience With A Mafia Mobster ... Angie Castine

Never A More Convenient Season To Believe

As a young Pastor, just out of Seminary, I was more zealous...or obsessed ... or committed to Christ, looking back, I'm not sure which, than I had ever been before. I witnessed to nearly everyone I met.

One night, having just read, in the old Fort Worth Press, about a Mafia associated Mobster in town who had violated some La Cosa Nostra rule and had a "hit" out on him .... I decided someone needed to introduce Angie Castine to Jesus before he departed this life. So I took the newspaper picture of his mobile home out on the Jacksboro Highway to pay Angie a visit. Driving my Studebaker northwest out of Fort Worth, though it was dark and no street lights, I finally spotted his trailer on the left side of the highway. All his house lights were out, but I suspected Angie would not be out on the town with the "hit"on his mind, and he was hiding inside. So I pulled into his dirt driveway and up to his front door facing away from the highway. I saw a curtain move and knew he was there, so I got out, walked the few steps to the door and knocked loudly three times before Angie shouted, "Who the h      are you?" I answered, "Angie, I am Rayburn Blair, a preacher of the Gospel. I read about you today in the Press and I am here to talk to you about your soul and that Jesus wants to save you from hell." There was silence for a full minute before Angie opened the door a crack, pistol sticking out, and looked me over before inviting me in.  Angie never did turn on a light but held a flashlight while I held my open Bible, told him the gospel good news, and quoted the Roman Road verses. Angie gave me a similar response as Felix gave the Apostle Paul ... "Not right now Preacher, maybe later."

As I left Angie's home and headed back to my own, a Highway Patrolman pulled me over about a half mile down the highway, walked cautiously up to my window and asked for my driver's license. I handed him my open wallet with my license showing on one side and a tract, laying sideways, with a large cross on the other side and words across the cross... "Jesus Is The Answer". He never looked at the license but turned the walled up to read the tract for a full minute and said, "Who the  hell are you and what were you doing at Angie Castine's trailer." I told him my name and that I was there to try to lead Angie to Christ. To which the officer shook his head and said, you are dealing with some dangerous people Preacher.

Angie was found a few days later, by a farmer, in a well. So, unless the Holy Spirit got to Angie's heart and turned him to Jesus, Angie Castine went to hell from a hand dug well northwest of Fort Worth.

Acts 24:25
"And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, a I will call for thee."

2 Timothy 4:2

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine."

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