Oct 28, 2018

Twin Lunatics, On Opposite Poles Politically, Shatter Both Parties Within Hours Of Each Other

So Now Whose Fault Is This lunacy?

The trajectory of both Political Parties, the nation, and history itself was changed and realigned, within a few hours this week. Two lunatic, political extremists arose from the affects of the murky mist of D.C. swamp gas and shook each party in turn, until their teeth rattled and their eyeballs rolled back in their sockets. The Trump lover, Cesar Sayoc, acted first and sent a whole flock of novice bombs to the leading, Democrat Trump haters. None of which went off, which says something about the crude giant firecrackers, their inept builder, or the efficiency of our protectors. A few Republicans may have died of heart failure after the Trump lover made his try, and a few red in the face, neck veins bulging, eyes crackling, voices screaming, Democrats may have killed themselves with a stroke when their Trump card flipped from Trump lover to Trump hater.... like them.  But nobody was killed by the Trump lover's flight of hand-grenades. However, the Nazi, Trump and Jew hater, Robert Bowers, said to have voted in 2016, but not for Trump, walked into a Synagogue on the Jewish Sabbath and shot down, in cold blood, 11 worshipers and wounded 6 others. It might well be said that Trump hating Lunatics are more efficient at such behavior than Trump loving Lunatics. I am not suggesting a proficiency retraining seminar for Republicans, but a shutting down of such actions by enforcing laws already on the books. I am also suggesting the firing of left-wing, Liberal Judges, who release such bad guys, and a removal from office of left-wing U.S. Congressmen, and the overwhelming election of Patriotic, moral, qualified Conservative Constitutionalists to take their places. This we can do by simply voting Nov.6 for Candidates who will support our President in continuing to drain that dank and fetid swamp where all this national evil has its inspirational leadership.

This from FOX News on the Trump/Jew hater
Who is Robert Bowers? Pittsburgh 
synagogue suspect posted views online 

The alleged gunman in Saturday’s mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue spewed anti-Semitic posts on a social media platform where he claimed that Jews were "the enemy of white people," according to a report.

Other Bowers posts criticized President Trump, according to the reports. In one post, he called the president a “globalist, not a nationalist. There is no #MAGA as long as there is a [slur for Jews] infestation.”

“For the record, I did not vote for him nor have I owned, worn or even touched a MAGA hat,” he once posted on social media, referring to President Trump.

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