Oct 29, 2018

The "Free Press" Has Become A Propaganda Machine For The Left Wing Swamp

But A Few Voices In The Wilderness Still Ring True 

I didn't write this, but I wish I had. It was written by an anonymous friend who goes by the handle 3.58, a realist patriot who published it on an Internet Message Board. It is the kind of "news" which is not new but has been slowly developing since the establishment of the the U.S. Central Bank System, by the signing of the Federal Reserve Act, 105 years ago on Dec. 23, 1913.  This chronicle, below, is a brief history review of the road to ruin which should have been headlined by the American Free Press over these 100 years... but was not. Now, President Trump has inherited the tangled web and will be loudly blamed for it if or when it explodes under his watch. Democrats, Establishment Republicans, the "delirious" free press, and the greedy, electorate, majority are responsible ... but the party in power when it happens will get the blame. RB

Here is a single voice in the wilderness filling in the blanks for the "Free Press". It is not print perfection in syntax or style, but neither is my stuff... but better than the MSM (Main Street Media) left-wing bias. The MSM eagle has become a vulture. RB


By creating the Federal Reserve via the secret bankster meeting on Jekyll island we began this journey. 

Then we took the dollar off the gold standard. 

Then we rolled back Glass-Steagall and allowed banks to take on systemic risk. 

Then we created multiple market bubbles in 1987, 2000, 2008 with easy credit via loose money lending standards and monetary creation. 

Then we rolled back the anti-trust laws in the MSM allowing six corporations to control more than 90% of all print, radio, and television - effectively creating a propaganda machine. 

Then we allowed our government to become corrupt via special interests. Today, almost every member of our government is bought and paid for while regulating bodies employ former executives from the very industries they are regulating via the revolving door. 

Then we systematically dismantled the Bill of Rights via the Patriot Act, FISA courts, NDAA (sections 1021 and 1022), etc. 

Then we doubled the national debt in the last 10 years alone to more than 21 trillion and counting.  

And here we are today, less free than we have ever been, ripe with systemic risk, with a majority of government officials who hold contempt for the people instead of represent them, on the precipice of a police state, with Big Brother watching our every move, with the Propaganda machine constantly promoting war dividing us and telling us what to think instead of reporting the facts, with Americans more divided, dumbed down, and medicated than ever, with the middle class financially weaker than previous generations. 

Don't think for one moment that this is just about interest rates. If we didn't have such massive bubbles (credit risk) and had a truly strong economy, raising interest rates would not be a bad thing. The problem is the masses have been asleep at the wheel for decades allowing tyranny to take hold like a cancer. The bill is coming due folks. The damage is done. Now we pay the price for enabling psychopaths to systematically destroy our once great nation. 

Sadly, most will ignore this warning. And that is exactly why/how we got to where we are today. You can ignore the truth, but you can't escape what is coming. None of us can. 

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