Oct 19, 2018

We Are Leaving A Sour Inheritance To Our Descendants

Thank God He Offers Hope In Jesus Forever

Obama doubled our Federal debt during his eight years of insane spending. But even before he spent more $trillions, our government already had $trillions of debt which could never, ever be repaid. That was ten years ago when the following video, entitled "Government Gone Wild", was made. Watch this 10-year-old video and then double the problem inherited by Trump. It was solvable ten years ago when it was half of what it is today. Can Trump remedy this? It is too late. He inherited an irredeemable debt and is like a man in a badly leaking row-boat, in the middle of a sea of debt, and can only continue dipping half as fast as the boat is leaking. Nobody but God can stop the consequences of what Left Wing Liberal politicians have done to this country, and .... why should He? He won't! God will not violate His own decree of Gal.6:7   "... Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."   So, are you going to vote Nov.6 for more Left-wing politicians who caused the now impossible problem in the first place?  The best we can do is to fire those who abused the boat and caused the damage, and hire (vote for) the best crew of Conservatives available to at least deal with the problem in the best possible way. Maybe they can get us close enough to dry land that we can swim ashore. Do you have your Jesus Life Preserver?
After you watch the video below, go to www.usdebtclock.org


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