Oct 20, 2018

"The Way" Found 872 Times In The Bible

What Is Its Highest, Most Glorious Meaning?

The Lord told father Abraham,   "Keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just...." Gen.18:19.    Jehovah God is a one way God. That way is "the way of the Lord" which is always "right and just". The little word, "the" is called a "definite article". That means it is the only right and just way, a unique, one of a kind reality. Therefore, "The Way" is a singular way ... the only acceptable way. It is also called "The Narrow way which leads to life", as opposed to the broad way, all other ways, which lead to destruction. Matt.7:13-14.

We live in God's world, a world conceived by Him, created, by Him, loved by Him, and legitimized, systematized, universalized and perpetuated by Him. His was, is, and shall be the only right and just way. God's right and just way is the holy way. His Way did not begin when His "glory light reflector", Lucifer, went astray, lost his light and was cast, with his darkness, out of holy heaven and was "cut down to the ground" (Isa.1412) and brought his "evil way" and darkness to earth. Neither did The Way of the Lord begin when God looked upon the darkened and chaotic wreck Lucifer's way had made of earth, when God said, "Let there be light".

As God had no beginning, His holiness and His right Way had no beginning. His entire universe was created and functions perpetually according to God's holy and right way. And so, the world, as a tiny speck within God's universe also functions properly and harmoniously within its Creator's intended and intricate design. Nothing else works, for long, in conflict and disharmony with God's purpose, but ends, like Lucifer, in darkness, chaos, conflict and destruction ... in God's time. So, there are only two possible, human choices in life, God's legitimate, universal, systematized and perpetual way or Lucifer's evil way which is illegitimate, limited, chaotic and temporary. As there is only "One Lord, one faith and one baptism", there is just one right and just Way to live and die, and that is God's Way. The Way which blends and aligns with our Creator's eternal, universal and holy Way. So,   "Keep  the way of the Lord which is right and just." Gen.18:9. 

I quote just one prophet, Isaiah,  through whom God spoke of The Way of the Lord.... "The way of righteousness", "the right way", "This is the way, walk ye in it", "the way of holiness", "the way you should go", "My salvation is on the way", "Prepare ye the way of the Lord".    Jesus quoted that last prophetic verse when He was speaking of John the Baptist, and said, of John, "For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaisa, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."   Jesus later said of John,   "John came to show you the way...." Matt. 21:32.    And then Jesus made this astounding proclamation ...  "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me." John 14:6.

All of this was followed by the "Actions of the Apostles" who walked in and served "The Way" in the book of Acts.   We are told of Saul of Tarsus, later named Paul, that he got legal permission to hunt down Christians and,   "If he found any of this way ...."   he would arrest them and bring them as prisoners back to Jerusalem. Acts 9:1-2.

And then there was Apollos, an eloquent and fervent believer who knew only the baptitsm of John the Baptist but was preaching on the streets of Ephesus from the Old Testiment on the way of the Lord, but he had not met Jesus yet. Aquila and Priscilla, who knew Jesus, heard Apollos, befriended him and    "took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly." Acts. 18:25.   Upon hearing "the way of God more perfectly", about Jesus, ....  "Some ... refused to believe and publically maligned the Way."    and that caused a commotion and ...   "There arose a disturbance about the Way". Acts 19:23.   You see, the thing that angered these people was the Jesus part of the Way of the Lord.

I cannot name all of the things in this world that are contrary and apostate to "The way of God", but His way has just one central meaning, His eternal, universal, and holy truth. All else will perish with Lucifer and those who walk in Lucifer's "lost light" way of darkness, rejection and rebellion against God.

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