Oct 22, 2018

You Will Confess To Whom You Relate Nov. 6

Will It Be The Right ... Or Left Wing? 
Have you prayed about it?

All U.S. citizens have a choice of only one of two Political Parties with a realistic chance of winning. Those two parties, Republican or Democrat, get about 98.5 % of the votes cast. All of the other parties get only about 1.5 % total. That being the case, I, as an Independent, vote for the candidates I believe are the most Conservative, Patriotic, Pro-Constitution, moral, and with a realistic chance of winning. That being true, I always vote for candidates from one of those two top parties. I relate to that kind of people to run our nation, state, county and city. I never cast a vote for a candidate from the other major party because I do not relate to anyone who supports that party's platform and core beliefs. That party supports nearly everything I am against and opposes (fights) nearly everything I am for. 

It is hard for me to believe that America has now arrived at a place where fully half of our citizens support and vote for that left-wing, Socialist/Communist Political Party which vehemently fights for abortion on demand, homosexual marriage, legalizing illegal narcotics, rescinding the Constitution, open borders, big government, a socialist Government, a weak military, illegal aliens voting, restore voting rights for felons, easy on crime, not standing for the National Anthem and flag, union domination of workers and businesses, tax exempt takers, tax supported loafers, and failed foreign policy.

It is an evil mystery, to me, why any "American" would stand for, finance and vote for that radical political party. So who are they?

Who are these people?
Most Hollywood millionaire pretenders, most billionaires, most welfare recipients, most drug pushers, most convicts, though they can't vote, most bureaucrats, most homosexuals, most immature (young) adults, and unions.

Why do they vote for that party?
Simple.... they RELATE, sympathize and identify with Hollywood, drug pushers, takers, criminals and convicts rather than to the victims of crime, Evangelicals, business owners, ranchers, farmers, military types, and working tax payers.

With whom Do You Relate? Vote your conscience not your lust, greed, laziness and hate. 

Note: I did not tell you which of the two parties I most relate to, but you already guessed it.

This from the Conservative Daily Post

Liberals Horrified After 12,000 Voters Change Party Affiliation Before Midterms

In Wyoming, which is a key ‘watch’ state, at least 12,000 voters have switched their party affiliate.

It seems in Wyoming, the fabled ‘blue wave’ may have become a trickle. In fact, the only major change that state has seen is approximately 12,000 people changing party affiliation, with a large portion of that number switching to the GOP. 

During the time leading up to the state’s primary on August 21, over 12,000 voters changed their party affiliation. 

According to data released by the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office on Thursday, 12,509 people switched over between July 6, and September 20, as follows:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 
4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 
744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 
477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans; 
430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 
296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated.

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