Dec 23, 2021

The DEM's (Damning Entitlement Mentality) ARE

ARE (Are Regurgitating Every) USA Eden Apple.

Every day is Xmas, Free Everything day, for Dems.
All the Xmas gifts have their names on the package.
Their only contribution is a demand for an increase.
Santa Clause's real name is Uncle Sham ... in drag,
after a huge, free, Christmas Dinner of Tax Paying
Turkeys, headless, plucked, deep-fried, and carved. 
This is not a farce, quip, prank, pun or jest for fun.
It is my wisecracker Xmas Card Gag on a gizzard,
to my "used to be" Socialist, Gimmy DEM friends. 

 You Christians have my permit to send it to yours.

Here is one of my post and patriot, Common Sense,
friends which he posted on the P.M. message board.

Just look out the window at the culture of perpetual grievance and victim complex in the midst of plenty.  In most of history, most people lived short brutish lives with little hope, and many people today have no capacity to appreciate the stroke of luck being born in the US in the 20/21st century....  and rather want to brutalize and tear down what we have been bequeathed.  The state of ignorance and ingratitude especially on the progressive left is profound, to say the least. (Kilowatt8)

Last word: Please do not use Xmas or Happy Holidays but be honest and say "Merry Christ mas".  There is no real or lasting "Happy" ... without Christ. RB

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