Dec 21, 2021

No Surprise Dem Cities Lead Nation In Murders

The surprise would be ... if they did not

What would you expect of a political party which stands for abortion on demand, homosexual marriage, making it a crime to enforce border laws, giving sanctuary and money to border lawbreakers, opposing death sentence for convicted murderers and supporting abortion murder of innocent babies, unfair taxing of producers and everything free for jobless drug addicts, prostitutes, and lazy loafers?
The only surprise in the article below is the absence of Chicago at the head of the list with its well over 800 murders already in 2021. The Democrat Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, is the worst of the bad mayors but isn't mentioned.

Reported by FOX News
12 Major Dem Controlled Cities Break 
Homicide Records Following Historically Bloody 2020
All twelve cities are led by Democratic Mayors

Rochester is joined by 11 other cities that broke homicide records this year, according to ABC News, including Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Toledo, Ohio; Columbus, Ohio; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Austin, Texas; Louisville, Kentucky; St. Paul, Minnesota; Portland, Oregon; Tucson, Arizona; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

"It's terrible to every morning get up and have to go look at the numbers and then look at the news and see the stories. It's just crazy. It's just crazy and this needs to stop," Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said after his city surpassed 500 homicides in November. The City of Brotherly Love previously had a homicide record of 500, which was set in 1990. 

Some have blamed the crime spikes on bail reform, lack of arrests, fall out from police retirements, and resignations following 2020’s nationwide calls to defund the police. 

"America’s most beautiful cities are indeed being ruined by liberal policies," Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw said on "Fox & Friends" last week of cities experiencing crime surges. "There’s a direct line between death and decay and liberal policies."

Two other cities are also close to breaking homicide records this year. Milwaukee is 12 homicides short of breaking its 2020 record of 190, and Minneapolis is six homicides short of breaking its 1995 record of 97, ABC News reported. 

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