Dec 13, 2021

Beasts Naturally Act Like Animals But It's Sin For Men

Who are created in the image of God...

My teacher said, "Don't just look ... see",  So I looked again and saw a possible kinship of evolutionary grotesqueness to human political wokeness.  "But this cannot be", I said to the teacher, "The clear similarity is not kinship but a common, Architect, Creator who gave monkeys, mules, hyenas, and humans too, a free will to do good or bad. But the beasts have no soul to lose when they act like animals ... while humans will answer to their maker for their beastly, animal wokeness.  

It's not that they are hopeless in their wickedness wokeness.  Though sometimes you can't tell a President from a serial killer or a Chicago Mayor from a ghoulish ghost.  Even so, there is power in repentance and faith in Christ to redeem the worst of woke heretics ... not counting Democrat Donkeys or Hyenas.  Is that cruel of me? Not when I look and see their devastating destruction and vile viciousness sabotaging this country. The time for patience and tolerance has passed. RB

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