Dec 10, 2021

What Is True Number Of Deaths From Covid Vaccines?

It hasn't killed me ... yet ... but God still has control of that. 

When this pandemic first flew in from China, nobody knew the true extent of its danger, and nearly everybody was screaming at Trump for a vaccine.  After all, science had defeated every other plague of the past with vaccines and most people's faith was in science to save us ... rather than He who made us.  So scientists jumped to the task, under the authority, knowledge, and miracle-working power of one man, the CDC's demigod, Anthony Fauci.  Well, as we now know, his highness had all the answers and gave them all, a new one each week contradicting the old one of last week.  So, like kindergarten children, we wore our masks, closed our stores, hid in our closets, and nearly bankrupted our nation, and our health, awaiting Saint Fauci's magic.  When the various pharmaceutical religions finally came forth with their healing holy water in an injection syringe, at that moment 95 % of people were desperate to get the shot, but couldn't get an appointment.  About that time the Vet's Admin. (not veterinarians) called me and asked if I wanted the shot.  That was before all the repercussions and Fauci lies had caused half of Texans to reject it. So I, feeling special, went to the VA and got mine before most people. I haven't gotten the booster shot ... not knowing exactly what they are boosting and how often it will need boosting. If mine Fuehrer Fauci makes the call it will start, like the flu shot, annually ... but end up weekly ... at Sunday School to attract children to attend. 
You can't beat those Left-wingers for innovative wickedness. I don't know exactly what the conspiracy is, this time, but it will no doubt hasten the Great Reset, Global Currency, and a Global, New World Order. 

Could it be that the first step is to rid the world of the unhealthy, sick, old, and undesirable like a rancher does his herd of cattle?  Looks like it's headed in that direction. The 140,000 killed by the vax, reported to the CDC's VAERS, their difficult reporting system; may not be nearly the true number.  RB

Here are the facts from The American Thinker

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