Feb 25, 2022

Lord, Send An Experience To Ron Reagan Jr That Will ,,,

Open His Mind And Heart

Ron Reagan Jr., a religious atheist, political Liberal, and Pied Pipper dancer, was still loved and accepted by his parents Nancy and our former President Reagan, as was the right thing to do, as parents.  But ... this Apple fell from the farthermost limb, of the Reagan tree, which grew in a shining city on a hill.  When little Ron was 12, he came home from church with his parents and was ready to make his life's commitment ... to being an atheist. (No, the Reagans were not Fundamental Baptists). So little Ron's first great decision, at about the age of accountability, was to deny God.  Thus he fell from the Reagan tree, hit the slanting ground, and began rolling down that hill in the path his decision had destined him ...  Yes, down the left-wing, socialist, unbelieving, abortionist, Democrat "broad way that leads to destruction".  How do I know that?  He, himself, has given it a lot of thought and alluded to it in the link below. But he will not always be an atheist. He will believe in God one split second after he dies .... but one split second too late. 

So why do I not write more blogs relating to national and world evil conditions today?  Because I have been preaching and writing and warning about what was coming for seventy years. It's here and it's too late now. It will simply play itself out in God's own time or end for us with the rapture.  About all, we can now do is to campaign for truth, exalt Jesus, vote, and pray, as Jesus taught us in the model prayer, for "our daily bread, forgiveness, and deliverer us from evil".  I'm 91 and often have Noah on Mount Sinai and Moses in the ark, but I will continue this blog till God sends for me, so I am handing the baton to Bettie's and my 90, blood descendants, and my blog readers.  It's your turn ... unless you are older than me.  RB

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