Feb 18, 2022

The Internet Is The Most Helpful And Horrible Thing I Use

I would be bored to death without it...

The World-Wide-Web is a food chain term, among spiders, in reference to the second link of their "Just in time" grocery chain, woven thin and sticky at all points, but covering the entire globe, it is exceedingly wide but thinly sheer.  It has within it a mysterious power of Hi-tech, worldwide communication that allows spiders to know exactly where to find food, package it, keep it fresh, deliver it, and assign it to its destiny.  That mysterious power is known as the "Internet" which is actually a fisherman's term for a tool meaning "enter the net" and the spiders couldn't resist adopting the name for their world-wide-web of food capture, slurp up, and to sustain their little spidery doings.  My problem is; when I get myself all stuck-up and entangled in the world-wide-web .... on the Internet, and I can't just back up, turn around, or escape the sticky mess .... am I the fly or the fish.  I think I must be the fish since I am breathing swamp water and all around me are hundreds of crooked, corporate, or government hooks of all sizes and colorful designs, with a lying worm or minnow cousin impaled on each, luring me to either bite it or rescue it.

So now, being nearer 100 than 80, and having been in 60 countries and every continent except Antarctica and Australia, and having seen my quota of stuff and stupidity, it now appears to me (not a vision) that the three things humanity is most occupied with, TV, Internet, and cell phones, are the very things that the anti-angels heralding the Antichrist will use to lure the world onto his hook or into his web or net.

Like all helpful and good things, Satan either misuses them or creates his own counterfeits to entrap you.  I have told you. RB

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