Feb 11, 2022

Rise Up Truckers Of The World: Bring In Our Groceries And ...

Haul Off Our Socialist Garbage

What Christians have failed to do, truckers are now doing around the world.  Taking action to save Our Freedoms from Socialist political garbage, corrupt news networks, and ignorant voters.

Amazing Drone flyover of Trucker Freedom March

I have been fighting all forms of Socialism since 1950 when I went to war against socialist Communism in the Korean war.  There, as a nineteen-year-old Marine, north of Seoul, I got my first glimpse of socialist Communism's hateful methods.  I saw what Communist Socialism did to force innocent, free people to accept its diabolical form of tyrannical government.   The Bar-ditches north of Seoul, on the road to North Korea, were full of hundreds of dead Christians, business people, and South Korean leaders, hands tied behind them and shot in the head.  The ignorant North Korean Soldiers who did the killing were told by their Communist leaders that their nation was being invaded by South Korea ... but the opposite was true.  The worldwide movement of Socialism has been lying and killing and conspiring to engulf the world since Lucifer introduced it to Eve under the Tree Of Knowledge.  That tree was God's and He had singularly restricted it from humanity but allowed them to eat of all the other trees.  This tree was reserved for God alone, for His purposes.  But Lucifer convinced Eve and Eve convinced Adam that Lucifer was right and God was simply jealous of His deity.  Lucifer said that God had lied to them, and that the delicious fruit of this tree wouldn't kill them but that they too would become Gods if they ate it. God just didn't want to share equally what he possessed. God was rich and greedy and they were deprived but entitled to their share.

Judas was the most notable Socialist in all of human history. He pretended concern for the poor but wanted control of the Apostle team's money and was a thief.

"Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment.  Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?  This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein."  John 12:3-6

So now we have Canadian politicians, news networks, and 
other Canadian Judases trying to steal the Freedom Truckers' money and use it for purposes other than what it was given for.

The video below convinces me these Judases are going to lose again. 

Amazing Drone flyover of Trucker Freedom March

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