Dec 31, 2011

Rednecks Keep The Country In Working Order

Common Sense Commentary: "The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep." Ecc.5:12.  Could the sleep of the rich have been disturbed by worry over business, investments, competition, taxes, employee salaries, government agencies harassing them and over indulging of food and drink?  Probably.

Some spoiled, mommy's boy, heir to wealth,  first used the term "redneck" referring to
the class of Americans who work hard, out in the sun, six days a week and go to church on the seventh day. Rednecks are those red blooded Americans who make the country work and fix it when its broken. They aren't ashamed to sweat and put on no uppity airs. They are who they are and if you don't like common, ordinary, honest people ... go find some like yourself. When you are in a bind or need help or dial 911, its a redneck who usually shows up to save your hide or fix your problem. One of the biggest mistakes snobbish people make is judging a redneck by his less than smooth, sugar-coated way of talking. I've known many a redneck farmer, electrician, or plumber who didn't use good English but had more horse-sense and wisdom than those who like to use the word disparragingly. If you made a big deal out of my using two r's in "disparaging".... you don't qualify to be a redneck but do qualify to be a stiff necked critic of us rednecks. Why am I claiming to qualify? I have redneck ancestry and I worked all this week in the Texas sunshine helping build a barn to house goat and chicken feed, tools, and garden equipment. Now I have a deep red neck to wear to church in the morning with all "them" other rednecks who sing loud, shake hands hard love the lord and fixed or built a lot of useful stuff this week and made all your utilities work. RB

1 comment:

Ron Blair said...

That's the gospel truth!! Dad and I worked side by side all week on my new small barn/shed...what a blessing that was for me. We were putting up the roof trusses on Sat when 2 of my wonderful redneck son-n-laws (3rd one lives in Colorado)joined us. It's almost complete. Dadburn satisfying, that's what I say. Yep, it's the dang truth.